Should I buy a new grill or fix this one up?

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Assistant Cook
Aug 4, 2012
Hey guys, my neighbor just bought a new grill and gave me his old one. He had been deployed for a while, so it sat in his backyard and gathered some rust. My wife and I have cleaned it up the best we can so far, but aren't sure if we should worry about fixing it or buying a new one. The brand is Perfect Flame, but I am unaware of the model #. I can't find any information on the company. The charcoal tray was rusted and falling apart, so we took it out. The cooking grid will need to be replaced as well. The bottom of the grill has a decent bit of rust and the inside of the lid is peeling. The outside of the grill looks fine. Any tips? Thanks!
Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to get started. Sounds like the grill would take more to repair than replace. Check your local Craigslist/newspaper for garage sales and look for a grill that way. I picked up a Weber 18" for $10 at a garage sale. As the weather gets cooler the price for grills drops rapidly. If you decide to get a grill this way take a large garbage bag and some tape with you when you go for the pick up, this makes transportation much neater.
That's actually an excellent idea. Thanks a lot haha. I've been dying to grill out, but haven't wanted to pay $400 for the grill I wanted at Lowe's. Thanks!
Double dittos to the earlier good advice. Think it be best to start at square one. WW should be getting ready to make some deals this time of year. I have the Blue Rhino model which was around a hundred bucks. Has worked good for many moons with no cover and allowed to waste away in the fury of mother nature. The little tin houses which sit over the burners rusted away sometime. Dont seem to have hurt it none. Cooked a grand prize winner grilling entree just yesterday. Dont throw away the propane bottles when you set the dead trooper out by the curb. I have got a lot of good propane jugs like that. The Weber Kettles are a dime a dozen on yup trash day too. Keeps your eye peeled.
Well since I got Okie kin from near Missourii somebody gonna need to show me. Aint no way a kittle beat a trusty ECB. If a person can learn to work one of those..they can cook anything..anywhere on any type of apparatus:)

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