Sunday dinner, January 28, 2024

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
We had a sheet pan meal, Garlic-herb butter chicken with potatoes, green beans, and mushrooms. Easy, minimal mess, and delish, a definite make again!

London broil, cut into strips, seasoned with kosher salt, pepper and garlic powder, browned in canola oil with a little bacon fat.

Cooked under pressure for about 20 minutes in beef broth, red wine and a little dried crushed rosemary. Beef, garlic and rosemary to me are a really sexy ménage a trois. Turned that broth into a gravy after the meat was done.

Instant mashed potatoes (sour cream & chives) and yellow corn, microwaved, topped with salted butter.

I did this while watching the last football game I'll see until August so yeah, I took every shortcut I could find. It tasted quite good.
Today, I had leftover pasta from last night, and some salad, from some leaf lettuce and herbs from the hydroponics.

I made a batch of pasta Saturday, after making that banana bread, using 2 lbs of creminis I had, and I found a recipe for it in an Instant Pot cookbook. It uses an onion, some garlic, and some white miso, and I changed the herb to fresh rosemary - something I always like with mushrooms. Stirring the pasta after initially cooking it 3 minutes, it absorbed much of the liquid the mushrooms gave off, and the starch gave it a coating, along with the miso. It went well with those medium shells I cooked in it. When I reheated it today, I tossed a tb or so of water with it, before re-heating in the MW, and it re-heated fine, with the sauce getting creamy again, and the pasta was still al dente
Pasta dish with 2 lbs of creminis, white miso, and rosemary, made in the Instant Pot. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished pasta dish, after stirring in the parsley and grated Romano. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
The mussels originally to be two meals. Yesterday's portion it didn't happen so had to cook all of them today. Steamed them in a bit of leftover leek and onion bits from making the soup, along with a splash of wine. I de-shelled them, with half being popped into oblivion. Delicious! Tender and juicy.

So tomorrow I will figure out how the other half will be served up.
Casey! those aren't ribs, those are steaks! :LOL:

They were pretty meaty for baby backs. One end of the rack was more meaty than the other, but even the less meaty end was better than average for grocery store ribs. They were more expensive than what I normally spend, but they looked worth it, and I'd say they were.

We had Chef John's Italian Sausage and White Bean Soup for supper. It was the first time I tried using frozen spinach in this soup. Frozen spinach has changed since I last bought it, over 30 years ago. It was good with the spinach and I took notes. We had some whole grain wheat and sunflower seed bread to go with that. Very enjoyable meal.

Italian White Bean and Sausage Soup with sunflower seed and whole grain wheat bread 2.jpg
Italian White Bean and Sausage Soup with sunflower seed and whole grain wheat bread.jpg

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