Sunday March 1 what's for Dinner?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
can't believe it is March already:ohmy:

don't know what we will have for dinner today....dh may be cooking it:-p yeah right:)

looks like I will be on midwifery duties in the barn everyone is on their own!

What will you be cooking?
Hello Beth! You're going to have to let us know what your DH makes. I'm sure it will be delicious!

I didn't realize that it was the first of March. YAYYY, Spring is coming. I can't wait to plant flowers for my porch.

I am going to have BBQ'd chicken legs for dinner (I was going to have that last night, but didn't have the stomach for it). What with it, I have no idea.... onion rings sound good... that's a possibility. I have plenty of onions that I have to use up.

For Mark, well that is another issue. He doesn't care for chicken legs. I'll come up with something.
Taking my friends out for burgers as they are helping me move furniture and unpack boxes - DH will be at work!
We're going to my sister's house to celebrate February birthdays. Her hubby, her son, our other sister and our dad all have birthdays close together. We'll have cake and ice cream this afternoon then we'll go to a restaurant to be determined for dinner.
I have two 3-4lb. chickens on the smoker. I am trying to smoke some sweet potatoes with them. If the potatoes don't work, we will have chicken sandwiches.

Sunny, but very cold and windy. 'Bout to blow me off the hill. I have a beef roast planned for the crock-pot. Lots of veggies, etc. It's way more than I'll eat at one meal, so I'll have more than enough left for several meals to put in the feezer.
Hello Beth! You're going to have to let us know what your DH makes. I'm sure it will be delicious!

LOL, actually VB, my dh does not cook. When i first met him 37 years ago, I saw him cook his dinner. He opened a can of beans, set it in a pan of water, heated the beans up, and when hot, stuck in his fork, ate them right out of the can:wacko:.

And trust me, he has not progressed in any in his cooking skills!:huh:

His definition of "cooking" is reheating, what I have fixed, in the microwave:-p
I am trying a chicken sausage/warm potato salad recipe from the Eating Well website. Probably a salad of mixed greens with goat cheese, cranberries, pecans and balsamic dressing.
March l Dinner

I am with Katie. Have a Chuck Roast, potatoes, carrots, onion, port red wine cooking in the Crock Pot.

Homemade Chocilate Chip Cookies. And we always have homemade bread.
And fruit. And Biscotti. Aria
It's pretty warm here today, so I just cooked up some fresh shrimp and they are chilling. We'll have shrimp tostadas with sliced avocados and salsa on top...some fresh sliced mangoes alongside.
Sunny, but very cold and windy. 'Bout to blow me off the hill. I have a beef roast planned for the crock-pot. Lots of veggies, etc. It's way more than I'll eat at one meal, so I'll have more than enough left for several meals to put in the feezer.

Katie, your dinner sounds very comforting. I am having a BLT sandwich. A decision has not been made what to have with the sandwich: either platter of fresh veggies (sugar snap peas, radishes, carrots, cauliflower, etc.) or tomato soup.
Katie, your dinner sounds very comforting. I am having a BLT sandwich. A decision has not been made what to have with the sandwich: either platter of fresh veggies (sugar snap peas, radishes, carrots, cauliflower, etc.) or tomato soup.

Yes, Sierra, I think it will be. Right now it smells great. I added a big splash of red wine, too. I think I'm going to do something tasty with carrots as a side.
There is a crock pot theme tonight. My beef stew has been crocking since noon. We really like it with the usual meat, veggies and potato, but we all like the addition of barley, lentils and sun dried tomato.
I made chicken soup for my daughter who ended up in the ER last night with a temp of 103 7.:(.....also making pulled pork for tomorrow
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