The Person Below Me

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
nope. I think I want some Llamas though.... and chickens.....

TPBM doesn't care for horses.
nope. dont know, dont care.

TPBM can't decide how to fix thier potatoes tonight either.
I do believe I should. everything else is going on there, no sense running stairs!

TPBM is hungry for dinner now.
I am, but the rest of my world is not!!!

TPBM wishes they could cook all the time.
yep. not sure why I signed back on here, I'm very sleepy!!

TPBM is not very sleepy but going to bed anyway.
its supposed to rain this morning, hope it skips so we can walk again.

TPBM still has thier jammies on.
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