Thick Line

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Uncle Bob

Chef Extraordinaire
Nov 5, 2006
Small Town Mississippi
Has the heavy/thick line under thread names always been there...or have they just started "bothering" me....As in eye sight.???????? Hard to read etc......
Maybe the version I use...but the question remains...has this just started? I see no reason for a bold underline....None of the other 1/2 dozen sites I visit has any kind of line under thread names........
Mine shows bold print, then a line space and a thin line:

Thread Title
-space-______________ line all the way across, very faint, almost gray.

I haven't noticed any difference from before, but it doesn't show a direct underline of the title now. HTH
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I don't see a line UB. Usually a line underneath means a link, the only time I've seen that is if I haven't signed in and I'm browsing as a guest. Is that possible?
No I see it when I'm online....

Check your PM's

EDIT.........I do not see it when I'm off line....browsing as a guest.
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