Today's harvest

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I also grew the asparagus from crowns, both times too, since I figured that's giving me a head start. I've considered doing it from seeds, but I don't know how that could be better.
So I guess the lesson from your bed of asparagus, beth, would be to change perhaps 1/3 or 1/2 your bed 3 - 4 years before the old one starts to struggle? Then you would have a continuous supply, of young going to old? think that would work?
So I guess the lesson from your bed of asparagus, beth, would be to change perhaps 1/3 or 1/2 your bed 3 - 4 years before the old one starts to struggle? Then you would have a continuous supply, of young going to old? think that would work?
I did not know how long my first 80 foot bed would produce well. When I started to replace the first third of the bed, we were getting enough asparagus from the rest of the bed that we were well supplied.
My 30 year old asparagus started struggling. In the meantime, two other patches sprung up on their own in different areas, which we now water and they are spreading. Then we put in 2 more small beds. Each year we grow seeds by winter sowing. We buy or collect seed (in the fall), then plant early in spring (now). We fortify the beds to use all the space in them. We grow more every year because it is practically free to start seeds.

We love asparagus so we eat most of what we grow, and when asparagus comes up from peru for 99 cent/lb, we dehydrate it and use that in asparagus soup in winter.


You are definitely making me jealous. I love asparagus and buy them when they look really yummy in the store. BUT... it is one of the things on my no-no list - which I ignore.
Did start a small patch at my sons'. Last year was year two, so should start getting edibles this year. It's a very small patch so don't know how many servings we'll get. One spear each? LOL
My asparagus bed has done very little. I think I will start a new one in a different location. In the asparagus spot, I am attempting "no dig" potatoes. I've never grown potatoes before, so this is a fun experiment.
Cabbages are sizing up, so decided to pick 2 of the bigger ones today. Im growing them in 3 gallon pots which works well, just have to make sure you keep them watered ( they dry out quickly). I dont like growing in the garden itself because they take up too much room when their leaves flare out. Since they're a one and done crop, the pot works best for me. Anyway, picked them, no bugs ( or slugs). Shredded them for sauerkraut and Mu Shu vegetables.
Also picked about 3 quarts of string beans. I only thought I had a few ripe ones, but when I was watering them this morning, and the water pushed some of the leaves away, I saw I had quite a bit. Probably use them in a few days for a tofu string bean dish my wife makes ( one of the few things she actually cooks well. Im not being mean, she says the same thing :) )
The pepper wasnt meant to be picked. It was growing on a low branch and impinging itself into the dirt. I tried to redirect it and it snapped off. I'm probably making a cabbage salad tomorrow, so I will include that in the salad.

***Onion is not mine. I just put it in the pic as a size reference***


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June 1st-21st, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing.
June 22nd, baby kale arugula and 3 lettuce leaves
June 23rd-June 26th, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. lol
The linden tree is starting to blossom. The tree is HUGE, millions of blossoms will be blooming for 2 weeks, perfuming the air in the backyard. It is so pleasant. The honey bees will be making honey like crazy from this tree. One Linden tree this big is equal to an acre of clover for the bees. We'll be getting pictures when the wind is calm.
Cucumbers and cucumbers....Nothing else is even hinting at being ready for picking! I'm envious of Larry's cabbages! Mine still look like a bouquet of leaves.
Cucumbers and cucumbers....Nothing else is even hinting at being ready for picking! I'm envious of Larry's cabbages! Mine still look like a bouquet of leaves.
and Im envious of your cucumbers :)
Mine are flowering but a few weeks away from harvest.
I know once they kick in, I'll be head deep in them.

Probably going to pick garlic tomorrow. Ideally I'd wait another week, but I picked a few and they look healthy. Id rather smaller healthy garlics than larger, water logged ones.

As far as the cabbages go, it's amazing how fast they grow once they start to head. They went from nothing to a full sized head in 2 weeks.
I've actually seen some flowers on the eggplants!
Tomatoes aren't doing much. But I rather think when they do they'll go BOOM!
Scapes are forming. The flower heads seem small. I picked a couple to try, but might wait a little bit and let them get bigger? Or should I take them right away?

When the scapes form, are they taking away from the bulb?

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