trivia 1016

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 1016
Myth: Wild rice is wild rice.
Fact: It’s neither wild nor rice. Officially known as Zizania aquatica, this once-wild grass seed is now cultivated by farmers worldwide.

1. What's the name of the area beyond Pluto that's inundated with comets ?
2. What product once hyped itself as being "99 and 44/100ths percent Pure" ?
3. Definition; ("C")
adj.~ 1. Rough with many small waves. 2. Marked by abrupt transitions, as in prose. 3. Jerky.
4. To which of the fifty must I travel to visit Alamogordo ?
5. What singing group counted Lionel Richie as an original member ?
6. What was revolutionary "Che" Guevera's more formal first name ?
7. Complete the Bob Dylan Lyric from Subterranean Homesick Blues;
"Don't follow leaders, watch your _______ ______"
8. What year is it;
-After telling officers a lie that a black carjacker had kidnapped her two sons, Susan Smith confesses to drowning the boys by driving her car into a lake; -A powerful truck bomb rips apart the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City...
Two "nibbles" make a "byte" in computer jargon.
1. The Oort Cloud
2. Ivory soap
3. Choppy
4. New Mexico
5. The Commodores
6. Ernesto
7. Parking Meters
8. 1995
Who said techie geeks had no sense of humor ?
A "nibble" is described as four bits; a byte measures in at eight. Ergo, a "nibble" is half a "byte".

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