trivia 8/22

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 8/22
The oldest piece of paper in the world was found in China and dates back to the second or first century B.C. Paper was so durable, it was sometimes used for clothing and even light body armor.

1. The scene is Southern England in the early part of World War Two. High up in the sky, British and German aircraft are attacking each other. --- What name was, later, given to this hard-fought air battle?
2. Word Scramble ;
n.- Any of numerous synthetic resins, produced chiefly by dibasic acids with dihydric alcohols, and are used in boat hulls, swimming pools, and waterproof fibers.......
3. The Suez Canal connects what two bodies of water ?
4. Mushrooms are made up of mostly ........ what ?
5. Literature 101-
What was Edgar Allen Poe referring to when he wrote; “How they clang, and crash, and roar ! What horror they outpour...” ?
6. Can you name the equally famous printing partner of Nathaniel
Currier ?

7. Name the Goddess who’s said to make her home in Kilauea ?
8. Complete this Robert Lowell Quote;
“If we see light at the end of the tunnel, it’s the light of the oncoming _____ .”
David Letterman’s first TV show was so bad that the network cancelled it during its first commercial break, and aired “Julia Child” re-runs instead.

1. The Battle of Britain
2. polyester
3. The Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Suez
4. Water
5. (The) Bells
6. (James Merritt) Ives
7. Pele
8. Train
You knew that this had to be crap.
Letterman is a “Teflon” star,in that he never seems to fail !
Through extortion attempts, stalking fans, scandals and rumors, he always survives as a “Stand-Up” guy.

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