Oh, but me heart is in a Belgian Waffle, though. I so love the richness of its taste. I've never been able to make any very successfully at home, but never fail to order them elsewhere...piled high with fruit and drizzled with maple syrup. YUM![/quote]
Belgian Waffle Recipe
1 cup AP Flour
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tbs. Fast-acting granulated yeast
2 tbs. honey
1 cup hot milk - no more that 110 degrees
2 Large eggs separated
4 tbs. cooking oil
Preheat Belgian Waffle iron.
Mix the milk, yeast, and honey together and set asid. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Set aside. Check the milk. It is ready when a thick layer of bubbles has formed on the surface. At hat point, add the egg yolks, flour, 3 tbs. of the oil, and salt. Mix just until the lumps are gone. Fold in the stiff egg whites. Brush the waffle grids with remaining oil and spoon enough batter to fill the bottom grids. Close and cook until the light goes out. I let mine cook until the light goes out twice. REmove and either serve immediately or set on a rasied rack so that air surrounds the waffle. Serve with freshly chopped fruit, such as straberry, or peach slices. or fresh blueberries, apple pie filling, etc. Top with whipped cream.
You say you love that rich flavor, well this recipe will give you what you crave. You see, I wasn't always diabetic.
Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North