What are you baking today? | 2014

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My master gardener group is having our annual Fall Festival tomorrow. I'm making these Orange Brownies for dessert with lunch, and will prepare a breakfast bread pudding for tomorrow morning. I just finished licking the beaters :yum:
That's a doozy of a cake, K-Girl!

I'm making a batch of snickerdoodles so I'll have dessert tonight.
Taking a break from processing all the apples. (Applesauce, apple crisp and a couple of pies done - got enough to do at least all that again!)

I did peanut butter cookies and the house smells fantastic.
My master gardener group is having our annual Fall Festival tomorrow. I'm making these Orange Brownies for dessert with lunch, and will prepare a breakfast bread pudding for tomorrow morning. I just finished licking the beaters :yum:

Here's a pic of the orangies (orange brownies) I made for the master gardener lunch. I left one at home for DH. Good thing - they were all eaten up! :)


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My master gardener group is having our annual Fall Festival tomorrow. I'm making these Orange Brownies for dessert with lunch, and will prepare a breakfast bread pudding for tomorrow morning. I just finished licking the beaters :yum:

I love anything citrus. So I wonder if I could substitute lemon for the orange. My family's favorite citrus flavor. They love orange, but not like they love lemon. :angel:
Here's a pic of the orangies (orange brownies) I made for the master gardener lunch. I left one at home for DH. Good thing - they were all eaten up! :)

Those look great, I should try that recipe sometime!

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I made this recipe the other day, Caramel Apple Cake | Recipes | Robin Hood - Robin Hood I'd call it a toffee apple cake because that's what it is. It was fantastic! The cake is light textured with chunks of moist apple, the topping was great on it.

If I changed one thing, I might skip the white chocolate chips in the topping, I think that they distracted from the delicate flavor of the apples and toffee. I'll definitely make this again, it would make a great cake to go with coffee or tea.
You had me at Caramel Apple. Sounds great! I've never found a use for white chocolate chips either. Just extra flavorless fat.
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I do have lots of good recipes for them, but I really prefer real chocolate (these were real white chocolate chips, not the "baking chips" that you normally find).

This really was a nice cake, I bet that it would be fantastic with cinnamon chips in place of the toffee bits.
I'll have to defer to you, BC, as I don't bake. But I will take your word for good tasting white chocolate chips to be found.
I love anything citrus. So I wonder if I could substitute lemon for the orange. My family's favorite citrus flavor. They love orange, but not like they love lemon. :angel:

You can. In fact, CWS posted a lemon version not too long ago; Alix and I both made it and loved it. This orange recipe uses orange extract but the lemon one is all juice and zest. Btw, I found that half the glaze recipe was plenty.

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Hadn't baked this week's dessert so I just finished and took an applesauce-walnut cake out of the oven.

When it's cooled completely, I'll frost/drizzle some praline-caramel icing on it. Should easily last us all week and then some.
GG, your orange brownies look and sound so good. bakechef, I would love some of your caramel apple cake. And Katie....as always, your dessert of the week sounds fabulous. Everyone's baked goodies here always looks and sounds so good! :yum:

Not much of a baker myself :ermm:, but I did make some Vanishing Oatmeal Cookies the other day and they were a hit with family. I gave some to my brother, some to my daughter and her family, and saved some for me. I put a slice of white bread wrapped in parchment paper in each of the ziplock bags of cookies to keep them moist and chewy. It works! :LOL:
Started today with an oldie-but-goodie recipe I have from my best buddy back home. Dellie has been diabetic since she was 12 and has tons of quality recipes low in fat and/or sugar. Her applesauce-raisin muffin recipe uses no sugar, only 2 Tbsp. oil, and one egg. We really enjoyed them today (Himself ate two!) and wonder why it took so long for me to make them again. Oh, right, I couldn't find the recipe for the longest time....

For dessert I made a cake from a new recipe. it was a Chocolate Stout Cake from Real Simple. I put it in my file. My round file. It was too sweet without much flavor.

I think I've hit my baking quota for a while. It's surprising how the cooler weather gave the baking gene a kick.
I baked a pumpkin cake. Roasted pumpkin cubes, pureed and added to a basic cake mixture with spices and coconut. It was quite a good recipe but I have already thought how it could be better, i.e. with lime icing and the mixture made with some orange rind and mixed spices; so will try again with this variation.

I would send a pic but it looks plain. Sometimes great flavours don't always come across in a photo! :)
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