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Resting on my laurels. Finished the gift shopping (thank you Amazon and free shipping!) and got the other packages mailed (I was the only one in line at the post office! Going early has its rewards!). Got a bunch of paperwork done. A very productive day.
Have got back from buying my new speakers and sub woofer, it looks great and sounds fabulous :)

We have the air con on again as it is quite hot right now
Just watched 10 almost 5 week old boxers wear themselves out...


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I am thinking I will finally finish decorating the tree before sitting down and watching a movie with TB. I will probably crochet during the show just because I only have two weeks left to get these gifts done!
Once again have a bout of Pneumonia, viral this time. Something I picked up somewhere and since I've been having symptoms for over a week there is nothing they can give me. I spent all weekend talking myself out of it being a heart attack. Since it's just me in the office tomorrow, I'm going in to work, don't feel bad enough to stay home.
Sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Take care! You are so busy caring for everyone else. Hope shreck is taking good care of you. Sending healing thoughts & prayers your way.
Cannot believe there are only 2 weeks left before Christmas! Plans to get all my shopping done this weekend, no matter what!
I have a feeling you will love it, no matter what the color! Did you get a glove too?
I would have preferred boring, old white, but the choice was green or orange. :ermm:

this lime-like color is very hot right now. i really like it, and i'm thinking it will grow on you too, taxy. careful of you hands when using this hot number.:) i'd love to have a mandolin myself, but i'm just too accident-prone....
this lime-like color is very hot right now. i really like it, and i'm thinking it will grow on you too, taxy. careful of you hands when using this hot number.:) i'd love to have a mandolin myself, but i'm just too accident-prone....
Thanks for the warning. It does have a food pusher thingee. I already bought a cut resistant glove and I have been using it. I bet that glove will be useful with a grater too.

I don't really care what colour is hot now. I intend to keep it for years. Remember avocado kitchen appliances? They were "hot" once too. :LOL:
I have a feeling you will love it, no matter what the color! Did you get a glove too?
Already bought the glove at a local store where I could try it on. The package said 7-7.5 was small. I where a 7.5 in gloves and the extra small is plenty big on my hand.

I can hardly wait for it to get here. It's supposed to arrive on Monday.
Thanks for the warning. It does have a food pusher thingee. I already bought a cut resistant glove and I have been using it. I bet that glove will be useful with a grater too.

I don't really care what colour is hot now. I intend to keep it for years. Remember avocado kitchen appliances? They were "hot" once too. :LOL:

shoor do remember those avocado appliances! i loved avocado refrigerators and ranges when when they were hot, loved 'em when they were not. love the color to this day. it has always seemed so perfectly "right" for all metal things in kitchens. i lived with some of the old pieces, fully contented, right up until the turn of the century. i wish i had an avocado stove today. what did get old and dated for me real quick were all of the pastel colored bathroom fixtures. oh okay then, exception made for the blue.:)
taxy, you get tired of any of your orange and lime green kitchen gadgets, you know where to unload them...:).
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The brown appliances (copper tone) were a horrible color. If that is copper tone, then someone let the copper get tarnished real bad. My favorite was the Harvest Gold. I had a washer/dryer in that color. Those were the only appliances in color I ever bought. I always bought white. And today I am glad. It just goes with everything. Even my KA is white. My daughter did buy me a black coffee maker and micro though. :angel:

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