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Getting ready to leave for a doctor's appointment then doing a quick birthday cake for a dear friend going through a tough time. Later I will head to her place with some sort of takeout to celebrate with her and her two kids!
Just portioned some meats and wrapped them for the deep freeze. Cleared some long-term stuff from the freezer on the fridge to the deep freeze. Now I have to think about cleaning out/defrosting the deep freeze.
I'm elbow deep in the freezer as well, emptying the contents into coolers. The freezer alarm was going off this morning, and while I got the noise to stop, the alarm light's still blinking. The drawer won't shut properly, and there's a build up of ice. The interior light isn't working in the fridge part. Not so sure I'm totally enamoured with the French door, freezer on the bottom style anymore.
Just portioned some meats and wrapped them for the deep freeze. Cleared some long-term stuff from the freezer on the fridge to the deep freeze. Now I have to think about cleaning out/defrosting the deep freeze.

I'm elbow deep in the freezer as well, emptying the contents into coolers. The freezer alarm was going off this morning, and while I got the noise to stop, the alarm light's still blinking. The drawer won't shut properly, and there's a build up of ice. The interior light isn't working in the fridge part. Not so sure I'm totally enamoured with the French door, freezer on the bottom style anymore.

You guys are doing exactly what I was doing two days ago.Yesterday to_Organizing every shelf.
Tired yet? Yeah.We know you are.

Today once I finish up my morning tasks.I'm going to hide out in the garage.Lock the door and finally make the time to work on my sewing machine.One day of chilling out won't hurt anyone.
Heh. Thought all was well with the freezer drawer. Defrosted. The lights came back on in the fridge, and the alarm light stopped. Wiped it out really well (or so I thought), reloaded it, and went to the pool. Came back, and tried to open the freezer door. It moved the whole fridge, but the dang drawer wouldn't open! I finally had to sit on one of the coolers, put my feet up on the fridge doors, and yank the freezer drawer handle. It finally opened, but the sliding drawers inside the big freezer drawer wouldn't budge. Must have been enough moisture that it froze them stuck. Got one working, no go on the other, so the hair dryer came out. Now I'm checking the dang thing every 5 minutes to make sure the parts that are supposed to move still do.
A day of "nothing going right!"

The Naturopath's office booked only 1/2 hour for TB's test results and not a second half hour for me so I was able to get one little thing in and need to go back Thursday for my time. The Dr. was very apologetic but she had a client right after us and TB couldn't bring me back later so Thursday it is. Oh well, at least I got one issue taken care of!

My friend got some more bad news on her birthday and just really didn't feel like celebrating. Which in a way is good because I had to take a couple of Tylenol with codeine as my rib and leg pain are specially bad today and so I don't want to drive.

So now my take-out idea is gone and I need to find something for supper. But I have lots of veggies and salad makings and a portobella I can grill!

So, it wasn't the day I planned, but it's all good (other than my friend's situation but even she is looking at it in a positive light).

Just finished packing before heading to bed for a couple of hours. Himself got a call on Tuesday that his aunt in Chicago died. Aunt Ann was in her mid-90s and had lived a very full life. Her funeral Mass and burial will be south of Pittsburgh on Thursday, so we'll leave here about noon today. Since we'll be two hours away from the kids we're on an impromptu vacation back home. If you guys don't hear from me for a week or two just figure I'm still in heaven. ;-)
My cold came back on me. But at least this time I can get all the phlegm up with one good cough. Every time I try to talk to someone, it set me off on a coughing spell. Feeling better though. Am going to see the NP tomorrow. The severity of this cod is lasting way too long. :angel:
Cleaning up after a play session between Violet and Monkey. They don't do this often, but when they do it, they go all out. Violet decided it was time for all of the stuffing to come out of her "puppy" and even ripped it to shreds to finish the job. Monkey meanwhile was jumping all over, including on Violet, the furniture and knocked down her play tower. So Violet chased her under the couch and Monkey grabbed Vi's tail from under her safe place. Vi turned around quick and knocked over the crunchies left in her dish.

Now they are both sleeping and I am left with the mess! :wacko::LOL:
Cleaning up after a play session between Violet and Monkey. They don't do this often, but when they do it, they go all out. Violet decided it was time for all of the stuffing to come out of her "puppy" and even ripped it to shreds to finish the job. Monkey meanwhile was jumping all over, including on Violet, the furniture and knocked down her play tower. So Violet chased her under the couch and Monkey grabbed Vi's tail from under her safe place. Vi turned around quick and knocked over the crunchies left in her dish.

Now they are both sleeping and I am left with the mess! :wacko::LOL:

You're such a good mommy, LP! :LOL:

I'm getting out ingredients to make tzatziki so it can sit in the fridge while I make chicken marinade and Greek salads for dinner.
:wacko: I am fighting sleep. If I go to sleep now, I will wake up around four-thirty in the morning and be up for the day. :angel:
Laurie, I do love reading about the adventures of Violet and Monkey. :LOL:

CG, take care and we'll see you when you get back. :)

I was just outside checking on the pair of doves who started a nest in a tree in my back yard. One, or both, have been sitting on the eggs constantly - I think they share duties :). It's very windy today, I sure hope the nest doesn't get blown out of the tree.

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