What is your weather like right now?

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Typical Oklahoma winter....today it was 78 F, tomorrow close to the same expected. Monday/Tuesday ice and snowstorm predicted. Not as worried about the snow as I am the ice. Our office does not close for weather...sometimes early, but not closed completely. We'll see...
It's partly cloudy and around 50'F here in Albuquerque...but a huge storm is moving into the area, so the temperatures will drop and we might even get some precipitation, now wouldn't that be great!
ICY! Meaning the world stops for inclement weather! I've taken another vacation day so I can stay home. Slept until nearly noon. Unplanned time off is the best. I may even tackle some laundry. :rolleyes:
Sleet, rain, sleet, getting colder, snow coming, and all this slushy stuff will freeze into a wonderful crust.

I will let you coastal folks come here during hurricane season if I can come down for February.
I have done all the laundry, run the dishwasher, and vacuumed the floors. Easier to do while I still have power. So far, so good, but as the wind picks up those icy lines and branches are going to have a come-apart.
About 10 degrees, snow, wind, blizzard warnings, like most of the middle of the country.
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