What to do with stray kitty.

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I can't resist taking in stray cats of all shapes and sizes. I've helped dozens over the years, but at the moment we don't have a cat to our name. At our peak we had 5 living with us and 2 visiting.
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Right now we are staying away from the shelters...DH got his inheritance money and I know we would be walking out with all the felines.
Cloudybutnice, Any stray animal would be blessed to find a loving homes with all of you here. It is nice to know that they are loved and well taken care of. I want Babetoo to enjoy the new kitten Charlie to the fullest. There are so many more animals out there that will not have the same chance and that is really sad.

I want everyone to know that my advice was my opinion only. I was answering the question for whatever my opinion is worth. For any number of reasons animals can travel quite a ways and become lost. I forgot to mention in my other posts that several years ago I gave a kitten a ride unbeknownst to me under my van. While I was out of town a kitten had climbed up underneath my wheel well. I was traveling down the highway and I heard a small thud. I looked out my rear view window and a small kitten tumbled out from underneath, picked itself up and ran toward a house. I turned around and went back and I could hear it meowing behind a rocked landscaped wall. I wasn't fond of the idea of putting my hand behind a rock wall and digging around, but I was concerned for the kitten and it had to be terribly frightened. It wouldn't have had a chance to survive on it's own. I was able to grab it and I took it back to where I had been earlier parked. I found it's grateful owner. This kitten traveled 8 miles underneath my car. Cats and kittens will do this to find a warm spot to take a nap if temperatures drop. They will also do this if they chase a mouse that runs up under a car for protection. I'm sure it looks like a great playground to some kittens, too.

I know there are a lot of unwanted animals out there that very mean people dump off. I would love to see them caught and fined dearly. I'm so happy that there are people like you that will give these animals another chance at life. But I also know that stuff happens and people lose their pets by accident and it's the last thing that they wanted to happen. I just can't call an animal I find an unwanted stray until I have more information. That's all. I in no way want to hurt anyone's feelings, nor do I think I am better. Absolutely not! I see people here with very big and generous hearts. I would be happy to call any one of you "friend."
charlie and thomas are doing well together. thomas has only batted him twice, no claws. hissed at him once, when thomas was in my lap and charlie tried to join us. lol. he is a clown and has made thomas be more alert. he is very sweet and loving. he is adding a lot of joy to my life.
Good to hear they are getting along well.

Our Nikita would rather never again deal with Jezebel. Jezebel has different ideas about that.
Both of mine are upset that I don't want to cuddle today. It's just too hot. The little one is laying underneath the floor fan, sleeping.

So glad Charlie is making himself at home and you are enjoying him.
i can't bring into house, it might be carrying some bug that i want thomas to catch. :ohmy: to be about three months old, a handsome little siamese with big blue eyes. it had been hanging around all day meowing all the time.

finally i gave in and gave it food and water. kitty really devoured it all.

i don't know what to do about it. no collar. hate to call humane society. but on the other hand it might have a chip.

guess i could just feed and water it and not let it in the house.

what would you do?

That's what my parents did. A stray cat came along over a year ago, and she was pregnant. My parents never let her inside the house. Instead they created a little spot for her to sleep and they feed her everyday.
really well, eating out of same dish. caught them sleeping on one blanket that thomas loves. charlie wants to play and thomas is starting to play with him. chase is the game. charlie jumps on thomas, and they roll around playing. when thomas has enough, he bats him harder and charlie backs off. most of the time, thomas just watchs him , appearing to be puzzled at his antics. charlie has found a ball he likes and chases it all over the sunroom. they make me laugh at least twice a day. thanks for asking.
We also checked Craigslist, put a "Found" ad (free) in the local newspaper, and put an ad with a picture for "Found" kitty on Craigslist for our area (we took picture with a digital camera, put on our computer in a file, then uploaded it to Craigslist ad). Our vet for our other cat scanned the stray tom for free to see if he had a chip. We also put a "Found" cat ad with a good picture on the telephone poles within several blocks. I even read the Obituaries to see if someone died, other family members might not have been able to get the cat to come to them if they were strangers to him, and sometimes people feed the animals and/or leave them outside, so no evidence for family to find to KNOW there is a cat, etc. if elderly sent to hospital, and so forth. Upshot of all of this was, we now have a second cat - and we love him, invested in neutering etc. And we cannot keep a collar and tag on our cats, they lose them.

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