What's To Eat? ~ 4/14/2024

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
We had linner (late lunch/early dinner) mainly because, WE WERE HUNGRY!!!

(file photo, but I make this dish the same way every time!)
Cold Ramen Salad, loaded with goodies!

What are y'all havin'?
Was beautiful today. So we had a picnic for dinner. Stopped at a rest area on Rt. 23. I made Italian heros (made on a loaf of bakery semolina seeded Italian bread). Also had fritos and a slice each of cinnamon danish (from Trader Joe's).
I roasted a chicken breast and had it with a baked potato, out of its jacket, and a salad of Boston lettuce, mustard greens, thinly sliced yellow onion, and some frozen corn kernels. I put some EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and red wine vinegar on the salad and tossed it. It wasn't "juicy" enough, so I added a blob of mayo and tossed it again - much better. I took the potato out of its jacket because, I didn't want to accidentally eat some of the skin and make my arthritis kick up. It was nice to have what I consider a proper meal. It was pretty good. I only felt like eating about half of the chicken breast, so the rest will be for tomorrow, maybe in a sandwich. It's hard getting in the habit of only cooking for one.

roasted chicken breast, baked potato, and a salad.jpg
Quiche. I am at my sister's house in Houston, so had to use a frozen pie crust. That actually worked out quite well. My filling was eggs, heavy cream, cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese, and some diced ham. Very basic.


First time eating natto, I seasoned it with soy sauce and horseradish, mixed with veggie rice and collards. It was good. I made the natto (fermented) and it turned out good. Who would have thought I'd even try it, and now I'm making it part of our meals. Brownies and fruit for a snack.
What is in it? Please explain.

It’s a northern Indian chicken curry. I served it with coconut dal.
It’s delicious!
Cheeseburgers on sesame seed buns. I bought the burgers and grilled them myself, no salt or sauces added, just mixed salad and light cheese, so I suppose it's healthier than buying fast food burgers 😁. They were very delicious.

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