What's your ultimate pizza?

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That's no pizza, Chief, that's a casserole! :ermm: :LOL:

...what would be your ultimate pizza? Cost is not a deciding factor...
Cost not a factor? I would like a Margherita pizza to share with our daughter, served up in Naples while gazing out at the Gulf of Naples, the two of us doing a food tour of Italy. Italy was her favorite country when she went on an 16-day tour of Europe after spending two nights-one day in London. I don't think we'll ever actually do it, but eating while spending time with people we love can the best meals of all. :heart:
THE ultimate ? The Villa on W117th in Cleveland. When they went out of business nothing could even compare. Not even close.

A good satisfier they have in Chicago, I'll have to go 100 miles and bang on his door with a gun to get him up and tell me what pizza place. SIXTY BUCKS ! Last time he came back I think with four, think of that, at the counter in a pizza place "That'll be $240".

And then there's mine, which gets great reviews but not lately. Can't really have parties so much in this place. But a properly stacked deluxe. If I have all the stuff I mean the dough stuff, the sauces and spices, three cheeses. (mozz.,prov.,aciago) I have told of my sauce, so yes that. and this does prove it saps the spices flavor.

Then we have the elquicko ones on a Friday night, premade crust in a bag and all that, and some of those have been surprising.

The olman made pizzas on those burrito wraps.

If I can get none of the above, I figure something else out.

This is the best "looking" cheese pizza I have seen on YouTube (or other recipe photos):


Note: there is an error in his vid… the diameter is 24cm, not the indicated 24 inches. I haven't made one yet, and while the rather abundant amount of semolina used is curious, I have tried several of his other baking recipes and they have been exemplary.

The sauce seems a bit simple, but this is how I start my pizza sauces (prefer fresh to cooked), and I may doctor with a little sugar, red pepper flakes, and oregano (although he adds the oregano on top the cheese - so maybe not).

Anyway… since it looks more like how I expect a great cheese pizza to look than anything else I have seen (and his track record with me has been great), I think it is worth a shot. Just not right now as the last two weeks here have been pretty brutal (temperature wise), so the thought of pre-heating a 500°F oven for an hour is not something I am looking to do until it cools off considerably.
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