LOL it may not be what you want to happen, but I think you'd better start trying to get your brain around to its 'reality'. I've been following this for ages and its progress now seems to be snowballing, and not just for food.
Voila! You're now in the 'real-world' probability of an old sci-fi concept that made the mainstream with "beam me up Scotty".
Haven't reached that technology plateau yet, but the 3-D printer concept is a reality and continues to get refined so that I think in not many years (or even sooner) a 3-D printer outlet in your home will be able to clone and construct all sorts of goods sent over the net and probably several other methods.
A "Brave New World" indeed...are you ready for it!
"You can imagine a 3D printer making homemade apple pie without the need for farming the apples, fertilizing, transporting, refrigerating, packaging, fabricating, cooking, serving and the need for all of the materials in these processes like cars, trucks, pans, coolers, etc," he adds. This is from the article.
This sounds like awfully artificial food to me. I'm not sure that it follows the trend toward real, healthy food. Maybe I'm just not ttechnologically savvy enough to 'get" it.
This is what my company does. Not the food part, but the 3D printing part.
That is around when the industry started so yes it is possible.seems like 20-25 years ago. Is that possible?
We just came out with a very affordable printer for under 20K.I keep trying to convince my boss to get one, I mean 3-D printer. Maybe next year.
Yeah, that sounds pretty fake to me to.
I want replicator technology. Can you imagine how much fun sharing recipes would be? We could just upload the specs to our latest creations and everyone else could duplicate it at home and taste it, exactly the way we made it.