Who's Trying to Lose Weight?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm in the middle of a cake order and I am finding I am NOT continually tasting the frosting, or eating cake remnants as I used to. I taste until it is right and then am staying away from it without a lot of conscious effort. This is a huge improvement. I don't really want it. I think my success at the pool and the fact I have little appetite are the major factors in the change.

I am patting myself on the back :innocent:
To add to what I said below, I have a couple of pair of fleece PJ bottoms that I wear around the house. Before my surgery (beginning of February), they were tight. Tonight, they keep falling down. I haven't (and won't) get on the scale or even measure just yet, but for me that is progress!
It hasn't been proved? Or do you mean it hasn't been accepted by the health industry whose #1 motive, always, is to medicate you?

Calories. Are. Not. Created. Equally. <-- there are five articles you can click on to whet your whistle with with hundreds more available.

If we would eat real, nutrient dense whole foods [which means would be eliminating added sugars / HFCS] we'd pretty much never "over eat" or have to think about calories again. The source of calories consumed is exponentially more important than any calorie count.

Imagine 750 calories worth of spinach and tomatoes and mushrooms and carrots in a glorious soup or salad. Now picture that Big Mac w/ SMALL fries and a "diet" soda which is also equal to about 750 calories. Which dinner is better for your body? Which food satisfies your nutritional needs? Which meal would your body most effectively burn as fuel?

It's time to let go of the "health advice" from decades past. If it were accurate, and true, obesity would have been eradicated long ago; instead the obesity rate has steadily climbed over the past 50 years. The advice didn't help Eisenhower in the 1950's and it's not helping anyone today.

Challenge the status quo. Be open and receptive to changing schools of thought - especially when the same-old-same-old is failing everyone miserably! We don't treat cancer or mental health issues with old and outdated treatments. Why embrace antiquated food / diet guidelines?


Excellent post. And very true in my opinion.
Calories counting has never worked for me in the past. So I don't count calories. I watch my carb intake and lose weight. I don't even follow Atkins to the tee. But I do know how my body works and what works for my body.

Fine. But please do it in Stray Thoughts or elsewhere in this forum. Losing weight is difficult enough without arguments and disagreements swirling about. :angel:

Discussions and debates lead to findings Addie. "Stray Thoughts" is not a weight loss thread. Frankly I have no idea what it is. I have never ventured into that sub forum as the title alone keeps me away.

This is the "off topic" sub forum. This threads title is about losing weight.
And don't we already have more moderators than any forum could ever need?
I am talking about unofficial moderators. :ROFLMAO:

Lets be realistic here for a minute.
Do you really expect any thread to stay on a steady unadulterated course for its entirety?

This thread is titled "Who's Trying to Lose Weight".
Can we really expect this thread to not veer into a diet discussion at some point?
So we are getting exactly what this thread was designed for. We don't need a new one.
In fact, they could merge both threads with few people even noticing.
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Lets be realistic here for a minute.
Do you really expect any thread to stay on a steady unadulterated course for its entirety?

Of course not. But if our members repeatedly make a request of other members, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to respect the wishes of the community. Is that really too much to ask? Or is it more important to continue to argue?
Here is the original post for this thread.

Raise your hand if you're trying to lose weight!!!

I know most of us are foodies and love to cook but those calories certainly add up in our yummy recipes! Such a bummer because I do love those rich creamy sauces and ravioli's!! :-p

I thought we could have a thread to support each other in our quest for fitting better into our clothes. I've got a few more pounds to lose and only 9 more weeks until I move home! My best friend is getting married and I have a dress I need to fit into by then!

One thing that really helps me is drinking 2+ liters of water per day. Oh and not drinking alcohol, which is kinda hard since I love my mojito's and Rioja! I'm not a huge drinker but I find the nights I drink I end up over-eating. :mad:

Recently I finally gave up sugar in my coffee (I used to put 1 tablespoon of sugar in one cup!!) and replaced it with Stevia. I still have my sweet tooth, but I'm so proud of myself for giving it up in my daily coffee!

Lets share our tips on healthy cooking etc!! What are some things that have helped you lose weight? :cool:
To add to what I said below, I have a couple of pair of fleece PJ bottoms that I wear around the house. Before my surgery (beginning of February), they were tight. Tonight, they keep falling down. I haven't (and won't) get on the scale or even measure just yet, but for me that is progress!
It IS progress! Good for you!! I'm taking a break of doing anything today:)
A friend of mine shared this on Facebook today, from a page called the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans :)


  • healthier-fitter-stronger.jpg
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Thanks for sharing, that is nice.

I got to the pool today, 10 mn late, for deep water aerobics class, then to aqua chi class after that.
I ate ice cream and candy last night. I feel as if I committed murder.
RB, are you saying you feel bad about eating them because of your diet? We all slip and I have learned to take them for what they are worth and move on. I know I will be having ice cream tomorrow because my 9 year-old rent-a-kid is coming over and we have had a small dish each, every time she has come while on break. Tomorrow is our last day together to it will be ice cream and strawberries! After that I will go back to being strict.

SB, glad you made it to the pool. I am not sure if I will make it tomorrow or not. I find that doing that and having the young girl over in one day is really hard on me. We will be doing enough physical things in the day that I should be fine.
The daughter had an outing w friends. So, I got some extra free time in the gym tonight. I got 65 mn on the elliptical machine, 8 different weight machines in 20 mn then another 30 mn on the bike, tired but feeling great after a long, hot shower.
Lets be realistic here for a minute.
Do you really expect any thread to stay on a steady unadulterated course for its entirety?

This thread is titled "Who's Trying to Lose Weight".
Can we really expect this thread to not veer into a diet discussion at some point?
So we are getting exactly what this thread was designed for. We don't need a new one.
In fact, they could merge both threads with few people even noticing.

This still remains an encouragement thread, not a thread for you to tell people that the only thing that works is what you do. Sure talk about your diet, but don't tell others they are stupid for NOT doing what you say.
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