Today's Funny

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Dick and Jim were a couple of drinking buddies who worked as aircraft mechanics in Louisville, Kentucky . One day the airport was fogged in and they were stuck in
the hangar with nothing to do.

Dick said, 'Man, I wish we had something to drink!'

Jim says, 'Me too. Y'know, I've heard you can drink jet fuel and get a buzz. You wanna try it?'

So they pour themselves a couple of glasses of high octane booze and get completely smashed.

The next morning Dick wakes up and is surprised at how good he feels. In fact he feels GREAT! NO hangover! NO bad side effects. Nothing!

Then the phone rings. It's Jim.

Jim says, 'Hey, how do you feel this morning?'

Dick says, 'I feel great, how about you?'

Jim says, 'I feel great, too. You don't have a hangover?'

Dick says, 'No that jet fuel is great stuff -- no hangover, nothing.We ought to do this more often..'

'Yeah, well there's just one thing.'

'What's that?'

'Have you farted yet?'


'Well, DON'T - cause I'm in Tennessee '

Been looking through the Funnies - there are some good ones here that made me laugh out loud! :LOL:

I loved the mime one....hahhaha!
You all have a great sense of humor :) Not sure if I showed the "hip" one before. I made a copy of it for a couple of my patients, they love it!
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There comes a time when a woman just has to trust her husband... for example...

A wife comes home late at night and quietly opens the door to her bedroom.
From under the blanket she sees four legs instead of two. She reaches for a

baseball bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can. Once she's done,

she goes to the kitchen to have a drink.

As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading a magazine.

"Hi Darling", he says, "Your parents have come to visit us, so l let them stay

in our bedroom.

Did you say ‘hello’?”

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