What's for dinner Wednesday? (17th January 2024)

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
So, I'm still trying out new recipes. This one was supposed to have chicory in it, but couldn't find any in the Lidl near my office at lunchtime and couldn't be bothered doing a detour on the way some, so I just added petit pois and courgette instead! This is Mezzi Rigatoni with Sausage, Fennel seed and Lemon. It tasted better than it looked! Oh, and I only used half a pack of pork sausages for this, so, with all this talk of sausage rolls around here lately - guess what I'm doing with the other half of the pack at the weekend! :unsure:
Rigatoni with Sausage Lemon and Fennel.jpg
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I don't know how it happened, but my bag of frozen blueberries leaked in the freezer. I cleaned up as best as I could but the worst of the leak went all over the bag the ribs were in. So...tonight I'm having ribs on account of I took the bag out to wash it off and forgot about it and it thawed overnight.
Will be the leftover tenderloin and mustard sauce. Was going to do something with potatoes to go with but if I even heat up the meat will be a big chore.
Was out 12:30 to 2:30 then 3:00 until 6 - on my 2nd glass of wine now and thinking about it...

Sorry RR - just read your post and chuckled.... blueberry sauce on ribs - sort of kinky, eh?
That looks great, @KatyCooks. I'm not sure what we'll have for dinner tonight. Just finished lunch. Dinner may depend on if we have power or not. It was out for an hour earlier, just came back on. They say it was tree vs power lines. And now, the freezing fog is moving in....
I ended up making Orange Beef and Jasmine rice with peas. Recipes from a kit meal sans the kit. Good stuff. Patiently (NOT) waiting for the PNW to defrost and allow deliveries again!
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I made a Creole type dish, based on the Jambalaya recipe I use, but used 1¼ c whole oats, instead of white rice. And the seafood I used, instead of shrimp, was canned salmon - something I get dirt cheap, from Ocean State Job Lot every few months, and they have a 20% off food for elderly, early every Monday. Most of the salmon I use in salads, but I broke it up into large chunks, and added it late, to heat through.

I started it like any Creole dish, with an onion, stalk of celery, and a green bell pepper, diced up, and cooked in a little olive oil, adding last some garlic, dried thyme, ground cloves, and powdered bay leaf, along with a little hot pepper, and cooking the spices about 3 minutes last. I added a half pound of diced up ham, cooked that 3-4 minutes, then added about 8 oz of thawed tomato paste, 1/2 c white vermouth, 2½ c water (I drained the salmon into this), then 1¼ c oat groats. I was ready to add some salt, then I thought of fish sauce! Why not use this, I though? Took about 1½ tb to get the saltiness I wanted, but it needed more heat, so I added some crushed morita flakes, to get a little more heat, as well as smoke! I simmered it 40 min, then another 10 min, before it got thicker, before stirring in the chunks of salmon, and cooking 4 minutes longer.
The onion, celery, bell pepper, and garlic, cooked with the spices, and the ham added last. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Creole type dish, based on the Jambalaya recipe I always use, but with oat groats, in place of rice. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

2 cans of salmon steaks by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Salmon steaks, broken up into large chunks, to be added at the end, to heat just a few minutes. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

After stirring the salmon into the oats, to cook 4 more minutes. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished dish, oats cooking 54 minutes total. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
We had Chipotle takeout at a drive thru only location.

Here's what happened when the crew member at the window handed me my drink. The lid was cracked and had a tear, so when she handed me the drink and turned away, as I gripped the cup the lid popped off, the drink cup buckled and spurted rootbeer all over me and the interior of my car, soaking through my shirt and pants and getting all over my car seat and hands. I quickly jumped out of the car and waved the crew member down and explained what happened. I handed her the half empty drink cup and showed her the cracked lid, and asked her for some napkins. She sincerely apologized, then quickly obtained the napkins for me and went to fill the cup and get me a new lid. As I was looking down wiping the soda and ice cubes off my clothes, a guest of wind caught my car door and slammed the top corner of the door straight into my right eye, cutting the eyelid, and I now have a black eye. The food was good though and I'm not blind.
We had Chipotle takeout at a drive thru only location.

Here's what happened when the crew member at the window handed me my drink. The lid was cracked and had a tear, so when she handed me the drink and turned away, as I gripped the cup the lid popped off, the drink cup buckled and spurted rootbeer all over me and the interior of my car, soaking through my shirt and pants and getting all over my car seat and hands. I quickly jumped out of the car and waved the crew member down and explained what happened. I handed her the half empty drink cup and showed her the cracked lid, and asked her for some napkins. She sincerely apologized, then quickly obtained the napkins for me and went to fill the cup and get me a new lid. As I was looking down wiping the soda and ice cubes off my clothes, a guest of wind caught my car door and slammed the top corner of the door straight into my right eye, cutting the eyelid, and I now have a black eye. The food was good though and I'm not blind.

Sorry to hear that, what rotten luck! First the cracked lid and then the car door! That must have really hurt, hoping your eye heals soon.
Oh dear Jusa! I hope that eye heals quickly. That must have been scary, having something coming at your eye like that. I hope it doesn't hurt too much.
Sorry to hear that, what rotten luck! First the cracked lid and then the car door! That must have really hurt, hoping your eye heals soon.
Thank you, it looks frightful now but it doesn't hurt too much. It's turned into a dark purple shade over the past few hours that I'm sure will turn green in 3-4 days. Thankfully i don't have any work lined up in the near future.

I think I was more annoyed by driving home in sticky wet clothing and having to wipe down my seat, steering wheel, etc. with a wet cloth in windy 19F temperature when I got home and then changing into dry clothing. Thankfully I was wearing dark colors so the root beer didn't stain my clothes.

Edited to say that I am glad I was looking down or it could have damaged my eyeball or blinded me. Really glad I didn't see that one coming!
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Will be the leftover tenderloin and mustard sauce. Was going to do something with potatoes to go with but if I even heat up the meat will be a big chore.
Was out 12:30 to 2:30 then 3:00 until 6 - on my 2nd glass of wine now and thinking about it...

Sorry RR - just read your post and chuckled.... blueberry sauce on ribs - sort of kinky, eh?

Another good use of sous vide is to reheat meats. You can bring the meat back to its original cooked temperature without the meat getting any more done. A medium rare steak reheated sous vide will still be medium rare. It takes a while, so you have to plan ahead.


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