2022-10-15 Saturday supper

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Tonight for supper I made a Danish style pork roast with crispy cracklings. I served it with gravy and baked potatoes. I will definitely make this again. What did you have for supper?


  • Flæskesteg med sprøde svær (Danish style pork roast) and baked potatoe.jpg
    Flæskesteg med sprøde svær (Danish style pork roast) and baked potatoe.jpg
    154 KB · Views: 27
  • Flæskesteg med sprøde svær (Danish style pork roast) and baked potatoes.jpg
    Flæskesteg med sprøde svær (Danish style pork roast) and baked potatoes.jpg
    185.2 KB · Views: 27
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We had pasta salad with hard boiled egg slices and a variety of crackers. It is still pretty warm here (HOT!) so we had a cold supper.
I'm so ready to make roasts and soups and stews!
I had two berry boxes of green tomatoes, half of them had turned red. I blended the red one's and made a sauce w/fennel, garlic, mushrooms, and onions, for over whole wheat pasta. The sauce was very good, sweet without any sugar or sweetener added. Bean brownies for dessert.
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