2023 Edition - What are you baking?

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I was poking around looking for Fall/Thanksgiving recipes and stumbled on to this sweet potato casserole.

I’ve never noticed it before but there are several variations.

It makes me wonder which came first the marshmallows or the meringue. 🤔🤭😉
If this had been my introduction to sweet potatoes, I might not hate them now. I was a kid. We went to someone's house for Thanksgiving and part of the supper was sweet potatoes with a marshmallow sauce. I was the kid who didn't like soft fried onions, because they were too sweet. If I had thought of those sweet potatoes as a dessert and not as a vegetable, I might not have been so grossed out.
If this had been my introduction to sweet potatoes, I might not hate them now. I was a kid. We went to someone's house for Thanksgiving and part of the supper was sweet potatoes with a marshmallow sauce. I was the kid who didn't like soft fried onions, because they were too sweet. If I had thought of those sweet potatoes as a dessert and not as a vegetable, I might not have been so grossed out.
I don’t mind a spoon of these super sweet potatoes at a holiday meal but I prefer a simple baked sweet potato with S&P and a little butter.

For me a small baked sweet potato is much easier to prepare than a hard shell winter squash.
I don’t mind a spoon of these super sweet potatoes at a holiday meal but I prefer a simple baked sweet potato with S&P and a little butter.

For me a small baked sweet potato is much easier to prepare than a hard shell winter squash.
Not an issue for me. I dislike squash even more than sweet potatoes. :ermm:
An MIL used to do her Sweet Potatoes baked/roasted in a brown sugar glaze. It was really delicious. Peeled and cut into large chunks and baked in a large casserole. The glaze became beautifully sticky . Been ages since I've made them. Was one of her specialty dishes for Thanksgiving/Christmas, always on the menu.

Maybe I'll bake a small one as a part of my Thanksgiving weekend meals.
An MIL used to do her Sweet Potatoes baked/roasted in a brown sugar glaze. It was really delicious. Peeled and cut into large chunks and baked in a large casserole. The glaze became beautifully sticky . Been ages since I've made them. Was one of her specialty dishes for Thanksgiving/Christmas, always on the menu.

Maybe I'll bake a small one as a part of my Thanksgiving weekend meals.
These days I do something similar with a squirt of sugar free maple flavored pancake syrup and a knob of butter.

Real maple syrup would be better. 😉
I had two dying bananas that I was dying to use, so made a 7 inch banana cake with golden pecan icing.

I just made the best banana bread I've ever tasted using this recipe:

One thing though--the author has the bake time at 30-35 minutes. I baked mine 45 minutes.
Yesterday, early on, I made a new batch of buttermilk, and had some milk and old buttermilk left (always have that from the 1/2 gal), so I made some rye bread. Not what I usually use for the liquid, but it works well! Started with a sponge with the BM and rye, in between garden jobs, and later I continued with it, and even later, finished the bread, in between separating all that garlic! With about 60:40 of WW to rye flour, I put 1 1/2 c mashed potatoes in this, and 1/4 c gluten, which made it very moist and it rose very well, for so much rye. More dough than my usual 4 lbs, so I used the 2 lb pan and the clay pan, for about a 43 oz loaf, which went into the freezer.
Potato Rye bread, starting to bake. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Potato Rye bread, finished and cooling. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
We had focaccia with toppings of mandoline sliced garlic, potato, red onion and zucchini with scamorza cheese and prosciutto that went on after baking for dinner last night. The potato was a 5 inch ish round red, way more than I needed for slicing but was the smallest individual potato I could buy, so I cut it in half, peeled and chopped then boiled half, mashed and added it to the dough. Came out really good.
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