Yup, I agree. Which is one of the reasons why I try to cook from scratch. Of course, I'm not perfect, as I buy store-bought bread, some processed foods, boxed cereals, ect. Nobody's perfect.
/boggle Why create a chemical to counteract something that one shouldn't be eating eating very much of, if at all, in the first place...
Reminds me of that Olestra stuff they tried in chips ~ the fat they touted as being a miracle because it just *passed right through your body*. What they didn't want to talk about was that not only did the Olestra pass right through, so did your fat soluble vitamins. And the chances were pretty good that every other food you'd made the mistake of eating recently came out also, in a not so pleasant way... It's been so long since I strolled down the chip aisle I'm not even sure they still still sell that stuff or not.
They should spend their time and money on ways to drill it into people's head how important it is to eat nutritiously instead of coming up with stuff that encourages them to continue to stuff their faces with that kind of non-food.