Banner contest!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Would this seem a little less wordy? It still has all of the info just in a different order.

Come home to
Enjoy friendly people, tasty recipes,
knowledgeable cooks and a family
friendly environment.

I also like the pink face better.
abjcooking said:
Would this seem a little less wordy? It still has all of the info just in a different order.

Come home to
Enjoy friendly people, tasty recipes,
knowledgeable cooks and a family
friendly environment.

I also like the pink face better.

I will revise when I get into work tomorrow. Thanks for the advise.
I don't know about the family friendly environment. You have to be 13 supposedly to become a member - and 13-year olds are pretty knowledgeable about a LOT of things that aren't necessarily considered "family friendly". When I think of family friendly I think of G stuff, or stuff that isn't even rated it's so tame.
Here's mine...I postd it a while back


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Whatever we choose, can't we have something snazzier than a happy face or a pig in a chef's hat?

Keep going, Russell.
I like that. I was staying more with the traditional way of the website.
Since they want far out, your doing a good job.
Hopefully, not too many more will criticize. And,of course, I know it's not a pig, it's an Italian man.
There really hasn't been too many attempting to design there own. It's not easy to create something to make a lot of people happy with. Being in sign graphics, I know.
Good luck, can't wait to see what you come up with.
Russell said:
I think mine is pretty hip/snazzy..I guess I could replace the little chef guy with a pixelized mixer or something

:cool: That would be cool Russell!!!!!!!
Ok, I made a rough is really ugly, but it's just the rough idea. I still need to add the shading and stuff
I have to say something here, I reread my post to Russell and realized that it sounded like I was critisizing others for not trying to make their own drawing. That was most definately not my intentions. I was only trying to boost Russell with his drawing. It's hard to draw something from nothing that everyone will like. If I offended anyone, please accept my apologies. I have taken things the wrong way and I don't want others to feel that way because of something I wrote.
texasgirl said:
I have to say something here, I reread my post to Russell and realized that it sounded like I was critisizing others for not trying to make their own drawing. That was most definately not my intentions. I was only trying to boost Russell with his drawing. It's hard to draw something from nothing that everyone will like. If I offended anyone, please accept my apologies. I have taken things the wrong way and I don't want others to feel that way because of something I wrote.

Dang texasgirl - I hadn't had my coffee when I read your post in question - so I didn't even know I should be upset :mrgreen: I'll go have another cup - see if that helps. :LOL:
Once i finished it, I realized i had the angle I gave up. The only thing I have saved on my computers is the rough outline.
I don't know exactly what DC is looking for... my design style isn't really like what we have now, and I think it would be out of place.. but then again... we don't advertise ourselves on our own website right? maybe this meets someone else's design specs...

If you have an idea of the type of banner you want i could try to Photoshop something up for you. I'm looking for some Photoshop experience anyways, so I could use a summer project.

EDIT^^ I didn't know if we had an 'official' tagline yet... so I just picked the one from the poll that I though would fit the scene well.


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college_cook said:
I don't know exactly what DC is looking for... my design style isn't really like what we have now, and I think it would be out of place.. but then again... we don't advertise ourselves on our own website right? maybe this meets someone else's design specs...

If you have an idea of the type of banner you want i could try to Photoshop something up for you. I'm looking for some Photoshop experience anyways, so I could use a summer project.

EDIT^^ I didn't know if we had an 'official' tagline yet... so I just picked the one from the poll that I though would fit the scene well.

I like it, I like it! :mrgreen:
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