Cleaning oven with chemicals

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Feb 24, 2017
I just cleaned my oven out (it was quite dirty, more so in some places than others) and had mostly relied on Jif ("Cif") and Bar Keeper's Friend and scour pads, but the stubborn build up of dirt require something more lethal: Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner !

Leaving it for two hours to work inside the oven and on the grills (separately played up against the wall) it did a fine job. However, from memory, I knew to wash out and air the oven thoroughly before use.

I decided that with the hard-to-impossible to reach places I would use a water bath to steam the problem out, over several hours. After four hours the aluminium tray I used to keep the water in had accumulated a lot of dirt and I wonder if that was because it was aluminium?

The day after I ran the oven again, but this time with a baked bean tin aluminium can, but no debris stuck (although the surface area was a lot smaller and so the water mostly never evaporated), and then with a ceramic bowl, to the same end: not dirt.

Reading online that cooking with aluminium can be toxic (something I don't believe in) I wondered if it was the reason for the dirt, but I should imagine that the dirt dislodged by Mr. Muscle would be the real reason?

At present there seems to be a fainter version of the old scent the oven used to give off, not really any chemical odour to speak of.

Any thoughts?


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I don't think mixing baking soda with vinegar is going to make a paste. I think it's going to bubble a heck of a lot. But, maybe someone knows how to make a paste out of baking soda, vinegar and water.
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I don't think mixing baking soda with vinegar is going to make a paste. I think it's going to bubble a heck of a lot. But, maybe someone knows how to make a paste out of baking soda, vinegar and water.
I just asked DH, the former science teacher (now science specialist - he teaches the teachers and writes curriculum) about this. Taxy, you're right baking soda and vinegar will react with each other, with water and carbon dioxide as the products. It doesn't sound like an effective oven cleaner to me.
I just asked DH, the former science teacher (now science specialist - he teaches the teachers and writes curriculum) about this. Taxy, you're right baking soda and vinegar will react with each other, with water and carbon dioxide as the products. It doesn't sound like an effective oven cleaner to me.

Baking soda and vinegar makes a pretty good drain cleaner. After the baking soda is poured down the drain, vinegar is added. It bubbles up into the sink. I think it is the bubbling that loosens the dirt inside the drain. There is definitely no paste.
BTW, baking soda and vinegar are chemicals. Vinegar is acetic acid (CH3COOH) and water. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3).
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