DC's own coffee klatch

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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I got around to roasting some coffee this afternoon. There is a 1/2 pound of each ready. Look for the canisters on the counter near the coffee station. I love the smell of roasting coffee. It's somewhere between baking bread and popping popcorn.

I lay down for a little nap. I had to shake a headache that was looming. Not enough water or too much coffee? W/E, same result.

Anyone else hanging out on a Friday night?

I've noticed some of you walking through the kitchen wondering about one of the appliances perched on top of the cabinets. Someone started the rumor that it is an alien artifact dropped by a UFO. It is not a ray-gun or a hyper-drive and it doesn't make crop circles.

It's our coffee roaster. The off-axis drum keeps the beans moving as it rotates. Convection heating and easy to use digital controls to adjust time and temp. Double size chaff collecter is vent ready. This model is rated for commercial use and has a 1/2 pound capacity. Safety sensors will shut down the unit to prevent fires.

Please remember to hook up the vent hose (look for the "T") on the range hood or carry outside to use. Roasting coffee generates smoke.



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Irish Coffee a la Callahan's Place

1 1/2 ounces Bushmill's Irish whiskey
5 ounces high-quality hot black coffee, made very strong and hot
heavy cream
freshly whipped whipping cream sweetened with sugar and pure vanilla to taste
Where did this giant flat screen come from? Netflix too? Awwww! Someone loves us! I'm going to settle in and watch a movie. Anyone want to join me?
I saw a whirly pop thing in the pot drawer, and the hot air popper is in the cabinet above the microwave. Mmmmmmm. Popcorn.
Well, I've just installed a new hard drive in this computer and after some swearing and a few false starts, it appears to be working. Here's hoping it KEEPS working. Technology has been having a tough go in our house lately.

Anyone seen the caramel baileys? I'd like a drop or two (or seven!) in my coffee tonight.
Well, I've just installed a new hard drive in this computer and after some swearing and a few false starts, it appears to be working. Here's hoping it KEEPS working. Technology has been having a tough go in our house lately.

Anyone seen the caramel baileys? I'd like a drop or two (or seven!) in my coffee tonight.

What are those? Never heard of them. :angel:

Whew, its dusty in here. No one's been here in a week or so. Did someone feed the kitties? Kitty kitty kitty, here kitty...WHOA!!!! Hi guys, yes I'm here, you're OK. You still have dry food in that dish, stop telling me you haven't been fed! OK, lets get some of the good stuff out. I brought in some deli meat for sandwiches later, you guys want some of that? OK, here you go.

Wow. Now THAT was quite a greeting! I'm going to pour myself a cup of tea and sit in our dining area and just enjoy a quiet moment. Then I'll go dust and settle down in the library with some reading. I brought in some CDs in case anyone wants to listen to some music while they're reading. I brought in some Norah Jones, some Tchaikovsky and a couple other classical CDs. I've been garage saling again.

Anyone around today?
Peeeeeeking in......oh, hi Alix! Nice to see you in here. I'm making blueberry scones with lime glaze, want some?

It's snowing like crazy outside the windows, and the car is buried....looks like a mound of snow. Wild turkeys are clucking like crazy and kicking at the snow....poor things; I think I'll brave it and bring them some feed.

Watch this space for pics! (if I make it out and back without breaking my head....)
YUM! That sounds lovely Soma. I brought in stuff for lunch, but those scones sound like a perfect breakfast to me.

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