Foods I Miss

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Head Chef
Aug 31, 2010
I got thinking about foods that we used to be able to get at the store that just aren't available any more. For instance, I miss old fashioned pork chops. There is just nothing like them these days. I know some folks say that pork steak will satisfy that craving but as good as it is it just doesn't taste like pork chops used to taste before we bread all of the fat out of them. Heck I remember when they marketed pork as the other red meat instead of the other white meat.
So what is it that you miss, you know, foods that make you salivate just thinking about them but that aren't available these days?
Post Oat Flakes (best cold cereal in the world!) and Team Flakes. There are still a few cereals that I like, but those were the two best, as far as I am concerned.

I'll probably think of a few more foods later! :cool:
The foods I miss are the ones that were easily obtainable in MN...not in the store, but because my dad would take us fishing (walleye), gathering wild aspargus, morel mushrooms, wild blueberries, pincherries, chokecherries, high bush cranberries, and wild grapes. Venison, partridge, and wild duck. Those are the foods I miss. But perhaps what I miss the most is the start of walleye season which was also the start of wild aspargus season followed closely by morel season. And I miss going with my aunt and cousins to get fresh milk from the farm...we all fought over the cream at the top to put on our Frosted Flakes...

Maybe what I really miss are those times with my dad and extended family.
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I got thinking about foods that we used to be able to get at the store that just aren't available any more. For instance, I miss old fashioned pork chops. There is just nothing like them these days. I know some folks say that pork steak will satisfy that craving but as good as it is it just doesn't taste like pork chops used to taste before we bread all of the fat out of them. Heck I remember when they marketed pork as the other red meat instead of the other white meat.
So what is it that you miss, you know, foods that make you salivate just thinking about them but that aren't available these days?
I miss the creamy tomato Soup in the bottle from Campbells soups.

They used to carry it in the store I go to all the time just for the soup...
Pork chops here, too. And not just because of the fat, but I just can't find the same type of cut that I used to, like a miniature T-bone. They are either thin cut or thick cut, nothing inbetween anymore either. And yes, that tasty edge of flavor is missing.
I miss Rice Crispies with mini marshmallows, flavouring on crisps like Ghost Pops and Cheese Curls (they tasted way better a few years back, used to stain your hands with all that's bad for you!), Cherry Coke, Sour Balls (fruity flavoured hard candy in tins), the bag of bits inside whole chickens, Flambi (little cups of creme brulee type puds), Life Savers, unpasturised milk, tomatoes that actually taste of tomatoes!, real toffee, fudge (the proper kind made with butter, condensed milk and sugar)
And BTW.....why isn't tutti-frutti ice cream sold anymore. I have searched high and low for nearly a 100 mile radius around home and it just can't be found!!
Had to make my own...Not too shabby either.
I just wonder is it a regional absence or is there some conspiracy going on??? :angry:
And BTW.....why isn't tutti-frutti ice cream sold anymore. I have searched high and low for nearly a 100 mile radius around home and it just can't be found!!
Had to make my own...Not too shabby either.
I just wonder is it a regional absence or is there some conspiracy going on??? :angry:

Haven't seen or heard of it in many years.


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pork chops and tomatoes are at the top of my list. haven't had a decent tomato in years. even the "vine ripened" one leave a lot to be desired . i also miss the real movie popcorn. all full of some unknown butter type stuff. don't know what they are doing now but it is not the same.

thin pork chops have no flavor at all.
Fruit that tastes like fruit. I'm tired of seeing my favorite fruit, honeydew melons, being sold in stores, completely unripe and hard as a rock, with no way to ripen them on my own. The farmers pick them unripe, and the stores have the audacity to buy and sell them that way. As a friend of mine says, "They taste like cucumbers."

Also, nectarines and peaches that have no juice and are dry as a dishrag, apricots that haven't tasted like apricots since the 60's, apples with zero taste, bananas that are subpar in taste and ripen too fast.

I also agree about the aforementioned tomatoes and pork chops, plus high quality meat in general. Also, cream and butter - they used to have a sweet taste, now it's a big zero. I'll add cauliflower and green peppers to the list - cauliflower used to be sweet - green peppers used to be pungent. Nil on both.
I stopped buying supermarket fruit for that reason. peaches and nectarines hard as a rock and tasteless. I remember ripe juicy peaches and hen you bit into them juices would run down your arm. The same goes for plums - hard and sour.

Also agree on the pork and tomato complaints. At least when the farmers' market opens, I'll be able to get good tomatoes.
T bones with a tail

Smuckers candied dill pickle spears

Ham salad, with sweet pickles, in a jar. I don't remember the brand.
Andy M. said:
I stopped buying supermarket fruit for that reason. peaches and nectarines hard as a rock and tasteless. I remember ripe juicy peaches and hen you bit into them juices would run down your arm. The same goes for plums - hard and sour.

Also agree on the pork and tomato complaints. At least when the farmers' market opens, I'll be able to get good tomatoes.

Agree with Andy and Merstar. Even the strawberries are not as good. Corn here used to be fantastic, now you take your chances, even from the roadside stands.
peach fresca..... heck, i know you can find in online sometimes, but Fresca as a whole has died off here on the east coast

i liked the Smith Brothers cough drops..... haven't seen those in a dogs age. Used to get rock candy in a little box like animal crackers used to be packaged in.... rock candy on strings not around much anymore.

Necco used to have a real tart wafer, what happened to those???

Hydrox cookies are no longer made

and last but not least..... very hard to find lemon popsicles....just lemon. I remember when POP our icecream man would sell us half a popsicle for 5 cents and popsicles came in every flavor....hard to find a rootbeer popsicle too, but i hear that if you live near a store that still buys Hershey's Ice cream, they were making a rootbear popsicle that you could order by the case for around $20
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