How do like your coffee?

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16 ounce quad shot breve
This one is going to need a translation for me, PF. :ermm: :LOL:

We order fresh-roasted beans from a "local" roaster about 52 miles away, every 2 1/2 to 3 months. I get a variety of different roasts (medium and up) and regions. I like mine black and plain, although on occasion my second cup of coffee might get a pour of half-and-half. During the summer, I'll sometimes make more coffee than we will drink, pour the extra coffee into a pint sized glass milk bottle, add Hershey's syrup, and set in the fridge for the next day. Then, instead of hot coffee, I'll pour some of the coffee/chocolate mix over ice cubes, add some milk, and stir. Voila! Iced coffee latte! Take that, $tarbuck$! :LOL:
Strong, very sweet, with cream. I love flavorings - hazelnut, almond, or English toffee. If it’s iced, I like it Thai style.

All that being said, I’m not much of a coffee drinker.

I will sometimes add chocolate syrup to my coffee on a cold winter night -- kind of a coffee/hot chocolate hybrid.

No hazelnut, ever! Hate that stuff.

I dont !!

Its one of those things I just dont get.
My wife loves it, and when she is drinking it, you can just see the enjoyment on her face.
So, once a year, while watching her enjoy it so much, I ask to taste it ( cause I feel like Im missing out on something). She'll yell at me , saying " Dont try it you're just going to complain that it taste like crap, its bitter , and how does anyone like it". Sure enough , every time I taste it, I utter those exact words.

Just dont get it.

It is an acquired taste, and it kind of an experience, as much as a drink. Drinking a cup of good coffee is a chance to shut down and do nothing for a few minutes. It is also great when you are with friends, and talking about nothing of any importance. It is kind of like the morning version of sitting around having a cold beer.

It is an acquired taste, and it kind of an experience, as much as a drink. Drinking a cup of good coffee is a chance to shut down and do nothing for a few minutes. It is also great when you are with friends, and talking about nothing of any importance. It is kind of like the morning version of sitting around having a cold beer.

Nope, not the same. When I come back from a ride on a warm summer morning, it's not a cup of coffee that I'll be drinking.

But back to coffee, first thing in the morning I have a couple of cups of medium light roast coffee (a blend that I get from a local roaster), black, and that's it for the day.
My coffee ways have changed so much since I first started in my late teens. Now my coffee has 'CoffeeMate' (lactose is a no-no).

I tried Almond/Rice/etc milks but it was like putting those flavoured creamers in. Blech!

I've also just recently switched to an actual 'cup' - that holds 1 cup - not humongous mugs that you have to run to the microwave to reheat 5 times before you finish it. Which reminds me - as a bonus, the powered creamer doesn't cool your coffee down.

I make a 6 cup quantity. Drink about 2- 3 in the morning. Leave the rest in the pot and have it the following morning - micro'd. Works for me! Drink it only in the mornings. Sometimes when traveling on the road but due to it's diuretic nature (and other effects) it is rare.

I have Nabob's medium roast. 1 scoop per 2 cups. My son & ex do a heaping scoop per cup (if not more). I usually forget how strong they make it and almost choke whenever I'm offered at their places. :LOL:

and yes, I always make fresh for guests...
I'm a Swede, coffee is a central part of our social rituals.... and my body thinks it mould and tries to kill me, thanks for that.

So I drink tea.

My hubby loves coffee and he only uses one brand and they have pink one that smells like chocolate chip cookie.... pure lies to wake up too
DG wrote:
My coffee ways have changed so much since I first started in my late teens. Now my coffee has 'CoffeeMate' (lactose is a no-no).

Hey DG, when I was shopping the other day, I noticed at least two brands of lactose-free half and half. Also heavy cream. I only mention this because I don’t like the taste of creamers, particularly the powdered kind.

Are these not available in Montreal?
DG wrote:

Hey DG, when I was shopping the other day, I noticed at least two brands of lactose-free half and half. Also heavy cream. I only mention this because I don’t like the taste of creamers, particularly the powdered kind.

Are these not available in Montreal?

Yes, they are.

I should have mentioned that I used 1% for years, a few years ago I switched to 2%. So in actual fact the creamer seems to be a little 'creamier' than the 2%.
Anything heavier than whole (or 3%) especially starting with what we call 'table cream' which is 10%, going on up to 'arf 'n 'arf and 'heavy' - to me tastes like cardboard! Blech!

I don't seem to mind the creamer - but it's definitely not milk. At least it is more bearable than the consequences of milk in the coffee.

I usually keep some 18 or 35% in the fridge. I will add a tablespoon to scrambled eggs or a soup and "damn the consequences" for the few times I have it. :LOL: Just don't block my path when I suddenly say "Excuse Me!"
I recently had an overdose of Espress coffee, now I can't stand the stuff. No what old saying tells me, I have to ease back on the bar made Espresso, and I've discovered how pleasant the coffee may be, just one is plenty.

di reston

Enough is never as good as a feast Oscar Wilde
DG wrote:
Hey DG, when I was shopping the other day, I noticed at least two brands of lactose-free half and half. Also heavy cream. I only mention this because I don’t like the taste of creamers, particularly the powdered kind.

Are these not available in Montreal?

Lactose free half & half I can handle, but every time I see fat-free half & half I break into uncontrollable laughter. Half & half is half cream and half milk. If you take the fat out of cream, you get skim milk. If you take the fat out of milk, you get skim milk. Then you add corn syrup, carrageenan (a seaweed extract) and guar gum to give it thickness and mouth feel.
My husband just said I like my coffee like I like my soul, dark and bitter...
Now that I have more time in the morning I'm thinking about getting a manual grinder and going through the ritual of grinding the beans each morning for my French press. I have a small personal electric grinder but it's no fun to use.

This is what I have in mind:


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DH makes the coffee, since he gets up at 5 am for work. Medium-dark roast (4 on a scale of 5); he puts half and half in his. I like two teaspoons of vanilla sugar and a splash of hazelnut creamer. Usually one cup a day - occasionally I have two and even less often, I get a mocha caffé with whipped cream at Starbucks (DH's boss has a habit of thanking him by giving him Starbucks gift cards, so we rarely have to pay for it).
Lavazza espresso...two every morning...
Lavazza gold for me. It's a little smoother than the red package, which is also a nice blend / roast. I have one double allongé with 10% cream and in summer it's ice café au lait after that. Please keep the flavoured stuff out of my coffee. A bit of chocolate or cinnamon is okay, but unnecessary.
I go to Fairway Supermarket for my coffee beans and loose tea. I love when they are roasting the beans right there next to the barrels of beans.
I only buy beans (but you can have them grind for you).
I like a blend of flavored coffee beans.

My favorites are:
All chocolate varieties
Most nut flavors but Southern Pecan and Almond are my favorite

I usually buy a pound of beans at a time. I pick several flavors and ask for them to be mixed in the same bag.

I like to mix chocolate, almond and coconut for an almond joy flavored coffee. LOL

I love fresh ground strong coffee so I have a Cuisinart Grind and Brew coffee maker.

I have a variety of different sweeteners:
Ideal sugar substitute
Coconut sugar
Maple sugar
White sugar
Or honey if someone wants.

I like to use Half & Half or Heavy cream to lighten my coffee (regular milk isn't creamy enough but available for anyone who wants it).
Honey, you ain't drinking coffee if you're adding all of that stuff to flavored coffee beans! :LOL: You're drinking some sort of caffeinated beverage - but it ain't coffee.

When I was little, I had an after-dinner ritual. All of the adults left a little bit of coffee in the bottom of their cups (always afraid of getting the grounds), I would pick up my Dad's cup (sugar and milk), and pour in my Mom's (black, no sugar), and my aunt's (milk, no sugar). I would stir it up with Dad's spoon, wait for any of those evil grounds to settle, and sip my "coffee". Mom said I couldn't have my own cup until I learned to drink proper coffee - just coffee, black like she did. I never did start drinking coffee regularly until I was in my early 20's, but I did (and still do) drink it black, no sugar. :LOL: The power of a Mother!
Mom said I couldn't have my own cup until I learned to drink proper coffee - just coffee, black like she did. I never did start drinking coffee regularly until I was in my early 20's, but I did (and still do) drink it black, no sugar. :LOL: The power of a Mother!

As a kid I started drinking coffee with cream and sugar but one day my dad told me, when I was 10 or 11, to try leaving out the cream and sugar for one week. I did, and obviously I didn't like it at first but after trying that for a week I never went back to using cream and sugar.
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