I Need a Wine Recommendation

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I'm roasting a veal breast stuffed with breadcrumbs, mushrooms, shallots, parsley and some Parmesan cheese.

I plan to serve bulgar pilaf and roasted butternut squash along with it.

What is a good red wine to go along with this menu?
Personally, I would go with a Pinot Noir. Not super heavy so the taste of your veal will still be the focus, not overrun by the wine.
I don't know anything about that kind of stuff, but I do know who to ask. Kitchenelf can tell you what goes with anything. :cool:

P.S. JMediger, I wasn't doubting your choice--No one had posted when I started mine!
If it was my catering I would suggest a sangiovese depending on how heavy you are using the Parmesan. And whether it is Parm Regiano?

Not regianno and/or a light touch with the cheese the Pinot Noir is a great recommendation, as the sangiovese would do well too.

Going heavier with the parmesan or using real regianno I would look at a decent cabernet Sauvignon.
Time for an update:

I had to put this dish off from Sunday until tonight. In the meantime, I read a couple of cookbooks and decided to bone it and roll it with the stuffing in the middle. I omitted the parmesan (it would have been parmegiano reggiano) from the stuffing. Actually forgot to add it.

I browned the roll in a dutch oven and added the bones to the pot along with some white wine and it's braising in the oven right now.

The rest of the menu will be the same. I have some Pinot Noir ready to go.

Thanks for the advice everyone!

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