It is 2011 Here Now!

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Barbara L

Traveling Welcome Wagon
Apr 4, 2004
Somewhere, US
Ok, it really isn't 2011 here for me yet, but I thought as it hits for each of us, we can pop in here and welcome the new year! I know it is already New Year's Day for some of our members. I hope they will chime in! I'll be back in a few hours!

Ok, it really isn't 2011 here for me yet, but I thought as it hits for each of us, we can pop in here and welcome the new year! I know it is already New Year's Day for some of our members. I hope they will chime in! I'll be back in a few hours!


Sounds good! We'll have our own party.


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I doubt I'll make it either. I make it a rule that New Year's is strictly for amateurs, I would not want to be on the road with people who don't drink regularly and then drive under the influence on New Year's Eve/Day.

I love not having a hangover and watching all the people who do the next day.

They've started with the fireworks already, and it isn't quite 8:30 maybe they will run out of them early LOL.
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i have just about decided it is theraflu for me instead of the bubbly. still not feeling tip top.
Haven't you heard (probably not since I am making it up as I type!) that if you drink Theraflu when the ball drops on New Year's Eve, you will not be sick all of the next year? :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: I hope you feel better soon!

3 more minutes here!
It is officially January 1, 2011 here in Pageland, South Carolina!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well, they didn't run out of firecrackers, but the biggest explosions that woke me up were at 12:48 AM. Weird timing.
Dang I missed this thread at Midnight! There were fireworks here, but it was so cold the sounds were muffled by the cold air! I'm still trying to figure that one out in my head...I may have to ask Dad.
Happy New Year all! I did manage to wake up for the change of the year, watched the ball drop, saw Dick Clark, and went back to be. Cheers!
Happy New Year all! I did manage to wake up for the change of the year, watched the ball drop, saw Dick Clark, and went back to be. Cheers!

Now that's a zen statement!:)

I finally crashed at 0100.

I also found out that Spumante does a really good job of cleaning glass fridge leaked out of the bottle.:ohmy:
I doubt I'll make it either. I make it a rule that New Year's is strictly for amateurs, I would not want to be on the road with people who don't drink regularly and then drive under the influence on New Year's Eve/Day.

I love not having a hangover and watching all the people who do the next day.

They've started with the fireworks already, and it isn't quite 8:30 maybe they will run out of them early LOL.

I refuse to go any where for New Year's that requires driving home. I often get offers of a lift, but have to explain that if I am going by car, I trust my driving better than most peoples'. I don't want to be out on the road with all the drunken yahoos.
I refuse to go any where for New Year's that requires driving home. I often get offers of a lift, but have to explain that if I am going by car, I trust my driving better than most peoples'. I don't want to be out on the road with all the drunken yahoos.

It's cheaper to stay home and get toasted, if that is the plan...and I don't have to fight lines for the bathroom.

As it was, half a glass of Spumante, cut with half Sparkling white Grape and I was ready for sleep.

I spent all day at work with Sparkling Cider and partying with anyone who walked in the office. I had a good day!:)
Haven't you heard (probably not since I am making it up as I type!) that if you drink Theraflu when the ball drops on New Year's Eve, you will not be sick all of the next year? :LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: I hope you feel better soon!

3 more minutes here!

that is a good premise anyway. thank you. i am sick of being sick. to many things i want to do . in any case hope 2011 is better for me than 2010 with three trips to the hospital. happy new year to you both.!!!:ROFLMAO:
Thanks Babe! I'll say a prayer that the doctors find another way to finance their boats than by putting you in the hospital!

It's cheaper to stay home and get toasted, if that is the plan...and I don't have to fight lines for the bathroom.

As it was, half a glass of Spumante, cut with half Sparkling white Grape and I was ready for sleep.

I spent all day at work with Sparkling Cider and partying with anyone who walked in the office. I had a good day!:)

The hubster really likes to go to a party for NYE. Me, not so much. We are friends with one couple within walking distance, so we go there when they have a party. We have also, on occasion slept over, but I'm not a teenager any more and sleep overs don't really appeal to me

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