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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon


I finally got my Instant™ Accu Slim Sous Vide
Immersion Circulator.



I picked it up at our local Best Buy this afternoon.
I had ordered it for curbside pick up at the store.
I'm very impressed with their packaging.
I did a water test and it took 17 minutes from
67° to 140°F, which is the temp that I'm
going to shot for on my maiden voyage with this beauty.
I'm thinkin' that will probably be the hottest
that I'll ever take this to.

I'm going to do this one inch thick, bone-in
gorgeous Pork Chop (it weighs in at over a pound!)
to a juicy mid-rare. :yum:


I'll do some Roasted Baby Reds and a Succotash
as the sides.

I plan on keeping a journal for my Sous Vide, as
I have been doing for my Instant Pot® multi-cooker.

Pro tip. You don't have to have the cooker bring the water to temp, you can use hot water from the tap.

Be sure to cover the pot so it holds temp better.
Glad to see you got it, K girl! I'll be waiting to see your experiences with it. I haven't used mine much yet, but I figure I'll be using it more during grilling season.
Decided to try my hand at some sous vide cooking. Recently bought this device and am more than happy with it. Cooked an eye of round roast last week that was so juicy and tender we could darned well cut it with a spoon. Warming up leftovers was wonderful, too.

Used my large crock-pot as the container.

If I recall, I only paid about $40 USD for it. So far it's been well worth the investment. Have some chicken next on the list to try.
Have fun with it! I really love my machine. I often cook small steaks, without even thawing them first, I'll pop them in a bag with seasoning or marinade and drop them in the water.
Ok, so here's my first adventure with my
Instant ™ Accu Slim Sous Vide Circulator.



I dried the Chop really well with paper towels,
and scraped out the herbs, I thought they'd
burn on the grill.

I pre-heated my Gas Grill on high for about
20 minutes, and seared each side 2 minutes.
Very pretty!


The Chop didn't come out quite as juicy as I imagined
that it would, but all-in-all, it was tasty and DH said,
"Let's make this again."
I still have that second nearly pound Chop in the deep
freeze. I think I'll shot for 135° instead.
*Cook's note: I temp'd the meat when I took it
out of the water bath and it registered at
143° :blink:
The other thing, I think rather than finishing
it on the grill, we'll try the CI instead.
Give Italian sausages a try and finish them on a grill or griddle. I love them this way.

Sounds great! I often poach my Italian sausages until they reach the safe temperature for pork. They lose so much less of their juices on the grill or in the frying pan, that way. Would be even better sous-vide - no need to poke holes with the temperature probe, which lets some of the juices leak out.
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