Just another day in Hawaii

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Executive Chef
May 11, 2003
The SPAM eating capital of the world.
This is the view from a cliff overlooking Makapu'u Beach on the east side of Oahu.

See Mish? Can't get this in LA...



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I thank the Lord everyday for the beauty that surrounds me. Welcome back, Ironchef.
ironchef said:
This is the view from a cliff overlooking Makapu'u Beach on the east side of Oahu.

See Mish? Can't get this in LA...

Just in case you get homesick, IC...

ironchef said:
A bit of movie trivia here:

See that pier in the background? It was used in the movie "Karate Kid 2".

IC, meant to mention this from another thread. I think this is the Diner you were referring to (where you ate). It was one of the locations that was used in Pulp Fiction. Sadly, I think it's gone now; and I never got a chance to sample the menu.

For old time's sake here's a pic.
I almost posted this one. (The alternate route.)
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mish said:
IC, meant to mention this from another thread. I think this is the Diner you were referring to (where you ate). It was one of the locations that was used in Pulp Fiction. Sadly, I think it's gone now; and I never got a chance to sample the menu.

For old time's sake here's a pic.

Yeah, they tore it down in '96 or '97 I believe. When I ate there I had pancakes and bacon, the same thing that John Travolta's character Vincent Vega had.
mish said:
I almost posted this one. (The alternate route.)

I was rolling along on Route 250 to Cholesterol but ended up clogged with traffic so I detoured on Lipitor.

My car broke down but I got a lift by Viagra.
Beautiful. As you know I just got back from Hawaii and have recently been to places that looked like that, and everyone: they're much better in real life!
I was rolling along on Route 250 to Cholesterol but ended up clogged with traffic so I detoured on Lipitor.

My car broke down but I got a lift by Viagra.
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