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Head Chef
Dec 13, 2011
Detroit, Michigan
As alot of people know, I am a Type 2 Diabetic, since I found out last September. Last week I had a three hour chat with my doctor, (He stayed to talk to me after his offices had closed.) about possibly changing my medications. I was on 1000mg of Metformin twice a day. With that being my meds (and others) for the past year, I brought my AC1 from over 15, to a 4.5.... My blood sugar when i was admitted to the hospital was over 650mg/DL, now I have gotten it under control and is stead around 140mg/DL. Although I would like to bring it down lower. At any rate my doctor, and I thought it best to switch to taking insulin, this would give me better overall control, and stop all of the complications that come from taking Metformin. As of right now, I feel alot better, but only time will tell.
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