Last thing that made you smile?

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Thanks for the warning, that's one of the bits I don't like that he does. The other is the Wild and Crazy Guys...

They did that too. The first sketch was Belushi and Ackroid doing Blues Brothers. It was fun seeing Gilda and Jane again as well!
A friend called, he had a soccer-ball size Hen of the Woods mushroom that another friend had just given him, and he gifted us with half of it! What a sweetie! It's soaking in salt water to get rid of the bugs right now.
It freezes and dehydrates really well. Has great flavor and meaty texture. I use it in sauces, soups, anything you'd use mushrooms for. It has almost as much of a cult following as morels around here, though it's not as well known. It's also one of the few mushrooms gathered in the fall.
While scrolling through Facebook today (or was it yesterday...) our one niece posted photos of Meerkats to her sister's page. Since it also appears in my newsfeed, of course I had to look at them! When I went looking today I found the photographer's name and website. Will Burrard-Lucas does nature photography. Although I'm sure all of his photos are great, all I looked at were the Meerkats. Take time to look through the photos since some of the images are different that what you see in the video. However, if you are busy, the 2 minutes spent watching the video will put a smile on your face for hours!
Dang! Looks like I had better update my Adobe. :wacko: If you get the puzzle piece on your screen, just click on the link at the top of the Youtube post. It will open up the video in a new window AND give you the actual video, ready to be played. Enjoy!
CG, that was priceless! I love meerkats! That will definitely keep me smiling for awhile.

Another smile came from Violet. I had to take her to the vet today because she has been having problems with one ear. Sure enough, she has a horrible ear infection. She was really good with the vet (who is so gentle and kind) even though he had to work hard to clean the ear out and give her two shots. I was out of her dental stick treats and picked them up while I was there. When we got home we were barely in the door when she started punching the bag with her nose. She didn't stop until I set it down, opened up the package and gave her one. Now it is 8:00 (when she normally gets it) and she is laying on my foot to remind me she is waiting oh so impatiently for her treat. I guess she figures she earned it. And I guess she did! ;) I also think she is feeling better already!
Went to our local book store and they have tables full of all kinds of books for 10 cents each. I was lucky to find some cookbooks (8 on them). They may be a little older books but with cookbooks it does't matter to me.
on the way to dinner tonight, dw kept questioning my boy about what he was doing with his wallet, grilling him about what happened to the change he had leftover from the school book fair that afternoon. he was obviously lying to us, but i didn't want it to ruin dinner so i intervened and accepted his excuse that the change was in his room, or on the table in the living room, or whatever he kept changing his story to.

during dinner, he pulled out a gift for us for our anniversary. it was a folded note (which you could tell had earlier been a paper aeroplane, lol) from him to us telling us how much he loved us and how happy he was that we are a family, and there were 2 $5 bills in it as gifts, one for each of us.

i'm still smiling. i have to think of some way of framing the note and the $$.
*sniff* Why bucky, that is the sweetest thing! *sniff* However, if I was in your DW's shoes I'd be looking down at my feet feeling really embarrassed right now. Hope your boy isn't too hard on her.

How can you frame " the $$"? Only one of those is for you. ;)
dw is worse than me when it comes to saving things of his, so i'm sure she's already preserved it in some way that would rival the declaration of independence.
Eyes up!


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