Luby 47 Quart Toaster Oven

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
Since my oven doesn't work in my trailer, I've been looking for a substitute. I got an air fryer and you should have seen my face when that arrived. My first question was how in the world was I going to fit a casserole dish in that.

So I sprang for the Luby toaster oven. It was about $150 and I like it a lot. It's 47 quarts, which is huge, almost the size of a regular oven. It's not an air fryer and it's only got three knobs, one to turn it on (and a timer), one for the bottom heaters, and one for the top heaters. Even I can work that.

It has a double door which can be a pain sometimes, but that's because I don't think my trailer is set straight so one door always closes on me. It came with a solid oven rack and two regular oven racks. Someone said it looked like the regular racks were sort of flimsy, but I use two of them at a time and I've put a whole heavy casserole in and never had a problem. You can also remove the bottom rack for cleaning.

When being used, it does get hot on the outside, though, and the manufacturer recommends at least 5" all around when using it.

I doubt if anyone but me would ever need a toaster oven this large, but for me it's great. Right now it sits on my 2'x2' chopping block and does double duty when I dry my dishes on top, but I plan to have a space carved out in the trailer sometime soon so I can have my chopping block back.
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I doubt if anyone but me would ever need a toaster oven this large, but for me it's great.
You'd be surprised! I don't have a proper stove in my tiny galley kitchen as it was either a stove or a cupboard. Mine is a Graetz and has a 45 litre capacity [47.55 quarts] but as it was a gift I have no idea what it costs.

It has three knobs - On/timer [up to 90 minutes], temperature control, and one for either top, bottom, or both heating elements.

There are four possible heights, and it came with one regular oven rack. two deep solid tray-type racks, and a double height rack [which fits in one of the solid ones] for grilling.

I don't know what happened to the instruction book but I remember it saying just to keep 5cm clear either side of it. but although it does get hot on the outside, it isn't hot enough to burn yourself on it.

I don't use it very much now but it's ideal for when I need an oven or grill.
I've had to adapt to what I can manage to do. My little kitchen is not very wheelchair-friendly and even with my crutches I can only stand for a few minutes at a time. In any case, there's only me and for a long time before I moved into this tiny bungalow I had no use for a stove with two ovens and grills - the larger one being gas, the smaller one electric - with five gas hobs. I won't use anything with an open flame now as it's too risky for me.

I have a single induction hob - actually I have two but the second one is kept in it's box and only got out if I need to use two hobs at the same time, which is a very rare occasion. My microwave [only a simple one, not a digital fancy do-everything one] in which I can cook many things, not just use it for defrosting/re-heating. And small appliances such as a 1.5litre crockpot - a ditto size electric saucepan - a small rice cooker etc. All small items that are easy to use, aren't too heavy to lift, and can be put back in the cupboard when not in use. And most importantly, are safe for me to use.

Everything I no longer needed, or could no longer cope with due to size/weight, were donated to an organisation that gives things to people in need. Not like a charity shop that charges for items, but given free to people who are sent there by their social worker.
Taxlady, I've had it a couple months now. And it's really opened up way more food choices for me. I'd forgotten how much I use an oven.

I guess I could have gotten by with something smaller, but I like making things in bulk so I can either freeze the remainder or eat it over several days. That meant I needed to be able to fit my large casserole dish in there.

Marlingardener, I have a stove with four burners. The stove works but the oven doesn't. I had two RV repairmen out there to check it out and it was a no go, unless I wanted to pull the whole thing out. I used to use the oven in the small trailer I used to live in, but I had that (the trailer) hauled away.

I have a small fridge next to the stove and a pull out spice rack next to the fridge. The pull out is in name only - you'd need a Ford 150 to pull that thing out. So eventually I want to take out the small fridge, break the wall down between the fridge and the spice rack, and make one large space there. Then I'll get a small table and put the oven on top of it there. Then when I get the table, bench, half wall, cabinet, and counter all taken out on the other side of the kitchen, I plan to get a normal sized fridge there and get rid of the small fridge. I finally found someone to do that, so now it's just a waiting game until I can save enough to have it done.

I may be having my yard done in a couple weeks and that will take just about all I have. But I'm tired of looking at a moonscape and I'm sure the neighbors are too.
Phaedra, I can guess what you're going through. It's hard for me to stand for more than a couple minutes and chopping stuff is difficult. I wish someone would make just a two burner stove, an actual full size stove with only two burners. As it is, I cover the back two burners I have and use that as space to store things.
rr - when it's a choice of being able to live independently, albeit with very limited physical ability to do much, or being stuck in a nursing home - which would you choose?

I don't think I had better repeat what I said when it was suggested to me!
My equipment for a kitchen is very much like Phaedra's. I have one induction burner, microwave, toaster oven and a griddle/grill/panini/waffle thingy. I have an electric fry pan, electric pot, electric kettle and a coffee machine.

All of which I can use only one at a time - so it takes timing/juggling to make a meal. Although I do have an outlet across the room I can use if I want to run back and forth.
Oh yeah, forgot I also just got my rice cooker.

Like others, I can only stand for a bit - incredibly difficult to get used to chopping and prepping while sitting. foods, pots, etc. are all stored in various places so it involves a lot of back and forth, sit, back and forth, sit, and finally - ahhh... never mind, just have a glass of wine and crackers and cheese.

Ask me if I miss my kitchen on the farm.
dragn - you'd have hysterics at where I've had to put things in this very small L-shaped bungalow. It's sort of like train carriages with one room leading to another, leading to another. My large upright freezer is in an alcove in the tiny hallway from my salon to the kitchen, as is my washing machine. My big fridge/freezer is in the kitchen, but my smaller freezer and my tumble dryer are in the room in between the kitchen and my bedroom.

In that room are a row of cupboards with dried foods/jars/bottles/tins - all food that does not have to be kept refrigerated. Plus plastic/glass storage ware. Plus items I don't use that often but still need.

Not forgetting my small foldable mobility scooter, which is not folded because it currently is in use for various stuff in boxes on the seat, in the tray underneath, the basket, etc ad infinitum. Ditto my manual wheelchair. Bookshelves. Boxes of winter or summer wear depending on whether it is summer or winter as there is no room in the wardrobe or cupboards in my bedroom, which leads off from that room.

[My big road mobility scooter is in a lean-to corrugated shed, aka The Shack, at the side of the bungalow. Not that either scooter has been used since I've been housebound but parting with them is just too final for me to accept.]

As far as standing goes, I am extremely unsteady even with my crutches [they are forearm crutches, not the sort that go under the armpit]. I have had grab rails and bars fitted wherever possible, and all interior doors removed so I can get my chair through without too much difficulty, but when I'm on my feet I've face-planted too many times, even with crutches and grab bars. And all my floors have stone tiles laid on a concrete base.
Phaedra, I may chuckle - but I fully understand where you're coming from. We all have our various burdens, and most of the time we manage to overcome them somehow, don't we.
Oh you can laugh at me with pleasure - I laugh at myself frequently! But I reckon that I'm very lucky in that limited or not, I can still look after the wubble and myself, and live independently. Sure it gets frustrating at times, but I'm still here, and as long as I've got my computer as my window to the outside world, I'm happy and content with life.
rr - when it's a choice of being able to live independently, albeit with very limited physical ability to do much, or being stuck in a nursing home - which would you choose?

I don't think I had better repeat what I said when it was suggested to me!
I don't know. I worry about myself because being in a nursing home for two months was sorta fun for me. I mean, somebody else cooked, cleaned, brought me snacks, helped me wash my hair and I had free cable TV. The only thing that I'd hate in a nursing home would be sharing a room, and being as obnoxious as I am, I don't know how long that would last anyway.

I was glad to get home, though. It might be messy because I can't always pick up and do the things I want to do, but it is home.

I'm glad I can garden pretty much sitting down, but even so, today was 30 minutes of work (over two hours) and that's all I could do. Now I'm here pestering you guys. LOL
I honestly don't think my sanity would cope, being in a nursing home. I don't like being around a lot of other people - conversation is not my "thing" at all, as against communicating with people on the computer, which is at times and with people of my own choosing. I don't like noise - and I most definitely don't like having to live by "normal" times, ie meals/bed time/waking up time.

And the thought of being plonked in front of a television together with a load of other old women in wheelchairs, is a living nightmare. I can't remember the last time I watched television, as there is so much for me to do on my computer.

As it is, because of the difference in time zones on the sites I visit and in which I participate, I rarely get to bed before 3am and surface late accordingly. My little dog - who would not be allowed to stay with me in a home - fits in with my hours and lifestyle perfectly.

And I eat what I want, when I want. Not what I'm given at regular hours, even if I do have a choice between three or four different things. I've had more than enough of that when I've been hospitalised, having to live by someone else's rules and timings.
I hear you. It's OK for a little bit but then it gets old.

I'm an introvert myself and I was really a recluse at that nursing home. I was fine because I was in a room by myself. And I think the only recreational thing I did was join in when they had tacos one time. And I had to do therapy, although once after I almost bean bagged another patient in the head, I was pretty much left to do my own thing.

I will say, though, I had nurses and aides coming in morning, noon, and night, so I never had a chance to get tired of my own company. I swear, they'd come in at 6am, flip on two 500-watt bulbs to wake me up and take my "vitals", then tell me, "Gee, your blood pressure's a little high." Ya THINK?

I got even one night when I when to sleep on my back with the blankets all tucked around me. The night aide came in about 2am to check on me and I waited till he got the desk clerk and was saying, "I think she's dead", then I sat straight up in bed and said, "Who, me?" while the aide screamed.

Forums on the computer are great. I'm on another forum where I seem to be constantly at odds with everyone but the thing that keeps me sane is, I know all I have to do to make everyone go away is just push the off button. Just as well, too, because I'll argue with a fence post.
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Nurses coming in at all times of the day and always drives me mad in hospital - especially when they put the light on when they come in at night and then don't bother to switch it off when they go out. Or not coming in when you press the call button, leaving you stuck in bed, desperate for the loo!

No. No nursing/old peoples' home for me. All I want is to be left alone in peace and quiet - with my computer and my little dog. We've been managing, and as long as I can keep from face-planting on the [stone] floor again, we'll carry on just as we are!

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