Executive Chef
Had a Corned beef roast in the freezer and decided to make pastrami out out it. Thawed the roast out yesterday and soaked it in some water for about 20 to leech some of the salt out. Made a rub of black pepper,granulated garlic and coriander. The roast had a big layer of fat in the middle and was kind of trying to separate so I tied it up. Been using the UDS lately and have been neglecting the WSM so decided to use that today. Cooked at 235*F to an internal temp of 165*F
Rested in a wrapped towel for 3 hours and then sliced thin.
Made some Reuben or Rachael sandwiches, whatever they are called served with some homemade split pea soup that I made earlier in the day.

Rested in a wrapped towel for 3 hours and then sliced thin.

Made some Reuben or Rachael sandwiches, whatever they are called served with some homemade split pea soup that I made earlier in the day.