The "Why Do" Game!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
because pumpkins wouldn't fit in the jars.

Why does the phone always ring 5 minutes after the baby falls asleep?
Because 5 minutes BEFORE wouldn't be near as much fun!

Why am I yawning, trying to hold my eyes open, trying to think up a question at 3:16 AM instead of going to bed?
Because mr kitchen elf is snoring too much for you to sleep.

Why do McDonalds always forget at least one item per order?
To give you something to come back & complain about so the bored employees will have someone to talk about for the rest of the day.

Why does my hubby want the all the molding washed before we paint the den when we're going to have to wash it all again after we're through painting?
Because he doesn't want the moldings covered with "MOLD" ! :sick:

Why do some of us have "IT" and some of us don't ? And what is "IT" ? :wacko:


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So Hannibal Lecter will keep his distance.........:LOL:

Why do some of us have "IT" and some of us don't ? And what is "IT" ? :wacko:

It... It is the POWER to be your best. ( we all have IT, we just haven't found IT)

Why do you always write in RED Maidrite?
Because he wants to make a statement and stand out from th crowd.

Why do the eggs ALWAYS turn to mush when I just want to make egg drop soup? :neutral:
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You've been a bad boy - the Chinese Egg Drop Soup Gods are against you!!!!!!!

Why is my kitchen a bigger wreck after I said I was going to clean it?
Because they don't remember the words.

Why do boys do better in math than girls?
Because they think it will help them better understand girls - you know, all those girlish curves and angles!!!!!

Why do I love Champagne sooooooooooo much???????????????????
(cute buck) :-p Since bubbles are air I guess that makes me an air head too?:ohmy: :LOL: I have an answer to your question - I sent you karma giving it to you. Someone else will have to take over though.

edited to give an answer:

because the contract us women signed with Gloria Steinam won't allow us to get up and change channels anymore

Why do women think they need to wear make-up?
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Because otherwise make up companies everywhere would go out of business, causing huge unemployment world wide!

Why do I feel like crap on one of the busiest days of my year?
Because you have yet to ingest a sufficient amount of wine.

Why will a cat stand directly in front of a walking human at least twenty times his own size?
because in spite of their sleek and sinuous beauty, they have these teeny tiny brains up their between their cute little ears

why don't drivers use their turn signals anymore?
because in spite of their sleek and sinuous beauty, they have these teeny tiny brains up their between their cute little ears

Why do mosquitoes exist?
So that sororities can demand their pledges give a lecture on the time-honored question: "Describe the sex life of mosquitoes."

Where did Rocky Mountain Oysters get their name?
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