Today's Funny

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:LOL: I got the cartoon part, it was the "Only in My Canada" that puzzled me.

There are a few differences between us - like here we can get milk in bags. (well, at least this part of Canada).. and before you say anything, please note, I've said we can "get it in" bags as against it "comes from a" bag. :angel:

and then there's Tim Horton's and Dunkin' Donuts - Smarties and M & M's.
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I remember the first time we saw milk in bags. It was when we were camping in Mississauga with the kids in 1984. So strange, and yet so genius!

We ended up cutting off a corner with the (tiny) scissors on his pocket knife and pouring (most of) it into our own container.
I remember the first time we saw milk in bags. It was when we were camping in Mississauga with the kids in 1984. So strange, and yet so genius!

We ended up cutting off a corner with the (tiny) scissors on his pocket knife and pouring (most of) it into our own container.

Yeah, whenever I have bought (or seen) the bags, you get 3 bags for a total of 4 litres (1.056688 US gallons). Each bag is 1 1/3 litres = 1.4089 US quarts. I like that you get the ~ gallon price, but don't have to move an entire gallon of milk every time you want to pour some. And, the other two bags are still closed, so they stay fresh longer.
I definitely get the freshness factor, taxy. Someone here on DC said that once they open a gallon of milk, they pour it off into smaller containers. It seems to stay fresher when you don't expose the entire gallon to the air each time you take off the cap. Well, I have plenty of "souvenir" glass bottles from buying farm fresh milk years ago - half gallon, quarts, pints. Two of the pints are actually from some upscale salad dressing that Himself liked. They have screw-on caps rather than ones that just pop on. I can hide four pint bottles against the back wall of the fridge, then have the three quarts where the gallon used to be. Well, now just one quart since I've been buying mostly half-gallon jugs. Anyway, this method actually does seem to keep the milk from going off later in it's life span.
We mostly use milk in our tea, so we go through about a liter of milk in a week. I just get the one liter cartons. Bigger won't fit in the door of the fridge anyways. I keep a spare carton, lying on its side on a shelf.
CG, it may have been me. I often did that at the farm. Some of my smaller containers must still be in storage, can't find them here. (only been 17 months)

What I do now is pour out enough from the bag to keep me in coffee for the day. As likely as not there is always some left over in the little pot - goes sour, dog loves it. I don't leave it out on purpose - I just forget.
I've always remembered a cartoon from the New Yorker. An insanely visious grin on a garbage collector, heaving an empty can down a New York (one assumes) alley in the early norming hours. LOL

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