What are you eating April 2, 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Mote Pata, AKA pork, hominy and peanut butter stew, with cumin flatbread. Absolutely delish!
I made a batch of mushroom pasta, with my last half cup of hulled barley, which I put in the Instant Pot in some broth, and a tb of white miso, and pressure cooked it for 30 min, letting it release naturally. The mushrooms I cooked in the large sauté pan, and cut up everything in the food processor, starting with the onion, the garlic and herbs together (rosemary and sage), then the mushrooms, along with about 1/2 tb boletus powder. Added to some olive oil in that order, and cooked on medium, until most of the water had evaporated, then added about a half cup of white vermouth, and evaporated most of that.

After that I opened the IP, and drained the barley, then added some broth (and a little more water) to total 4 c, and added this to the IP, with the barley, and 14 oz of spiral pasta, and sort of pressed all the pasta under the liquid. Then set it to 4 minutes/Manual, locked the lid, then when the timer went off, I released the pressure, then set it on Sauté/High, and stirred it about 2 or 3 minutes, which thickened it, with the starches, then I turned it off, and removed the pot to the stove - just to stop the cooking. I finished it with a little grated Asiago.
Finished pasta dish, before adding the cheese, made with some barley added to it. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Back to healthy eating, after Easter treats.
Mixed salad : cherry tomatoes, cucumber, onions, grated carrots, Evo oil, no salt, just a bit of pepper, with brown bread and ricotta.


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Today I cooked makahi pasta . It is rich, smooth texture with spicy-slightly sweet flavors.
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I was heating up some collards, brussel sprouts, veggie rice and soybeans when it was hot the power went out. Mr bliss had a salad. We didn't need to eat until 4 or 5 hours later when the electric came back on. I can heat food on the stove when the power is out but then there are more dishes.
Give a try to this recipe upon my recommendation.
Thanks, I'm sure it's good, but I think I'll try this one

When I'm ready to make it.

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