What have you eaten Friday 11/23/2018?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I had a turkey sandwich for lunch.

I made Turkey soup today with a lot of the turkey day leftover stuff and there isn't much leftovers left. I LOVE IT!!

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Turkey beast slices, mashed carrots covered with gravy, nuked. Took a nap, woke from a nightmare, and, with the ceiling fan waving over me which I had kicked off the covers and woke with a chill. I set the alarm and it woke me in deep REM sleep, so I was crabby and because of the draft I'm stiff and sore and feeling older than usual.
Savingnon Blanc is in order, I think. ���� ��
Today is our wedding anniversary. It's also bitter cold and Black Friday. We had leftovers from yesterday. I took the picture today, but my plate looked just like this yesterday.
After three days of cooking - Thanksgiving and freezer meals - my FIL wanted to take me out to dinner. So we went to a local steakhouse and I got surf 'n turf - a porterhouse (someone else got the last New York strip) and fried shrimp. And a couple bites of DH's walleye. Delish!
As is it was for every year of my life (when at my parent's house), we had turkey in a cream of chicken soup, with pees and carrots served over Pepperidge Farms patty shells. Really good comfort food.

Tomorrow, I am responsible for dinner. To be continued...

Today is our wedding anniversary. It's also bitter cold and Black Friday. We had leftovers from yesterday. I took the picture today, but my plate looked just like this yesterday.
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Happy Anniversary... :)

We had no leftovers from our small but traditional TG dinner at daughter and sil's so, I made IP cube steak in mushroom gravy and roasted brussels sprouts in my new toaster oven..

We did have leftover pumpkin pie tho.. :yum:

Friday's slab of Prime rib with Garlic Butter and Worcestershire Sauce, Baked Yam, Green Beans and Buttered Corn - and the ever-present salad under Country French dressing...

Salad, American Blend,, with Egg, Country French.jpg

Belated Happy Anniversary CG and Himself.

We ordered from Mr. Falafel. We each had a chicken platter. No leftovers from TG here, because Canadian Thanksgiving is in October.
Thin sliced porchetta sliders with caramelized onions and a roasted vege mayo made with red bell, onion, tomato, garlic, and cilantro. No pictures, ate really late, not too hungry, plus we were tired after driving over to Florida's west coast and back to see DD and DGDs, and treating them to coal-fired pizzas for lunch.

Belated Happy Anniversary CG!
Thanks, everyone, for the anniversary wishes. We had a great day relaxing and watching college football. Perfect day - almost. Today was even better, since OSU pounded Meesheegan into the turf. (Sorry, cd - um, not sorry :mrgreen: )
I had leftovers Friday, but not from TG dinner - I left all of those for some who did not make it, but were coming to my friend's Friday. I had my leftovers at home!
A small bowl of Vanilla ice cream with Cheese-Its. Later in the evening we had hamburg with onions and gravy over a baked tater. Tomorrow the carcass goes into the pot for broth.

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