What's your weather right now? 2022

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
It seemed like it was time to start a new weather thread for this year.

I follow a meteorologist, Mark Sirois - The Weather Whisperer, on Facebook. This is what he is predicting for Southern Québec. The temperatures are in degrees Celsius.

We're under a Winter Weather Advisory until 7am tomorrow. After that - Winter Storm Warning until 10am Saturday. Not looking forward to this weather coming up.
28F, feels like 24F, expecting an inch or two of snow overnight. Wind is @ 6mph with gusts to 10-15 mph. It's a 4 cat, 1 dog night.
33F, feels like 21F, wind gusting to 17 mph, 2 inches of snow and it's continuing throughout the day. Better wear a coat today.
Teens again this morning - 13° for a low overnight, with 21° now, and 10° windchill. Glad I don't have to go out for anything!

It's frelling cold here too, near Montreal, QC. It's -19°C (-2°F) and feels like -26°C (-15°F). The overnight low was -26°C (-15°F), felt like -34°C (-29°F). Overnight low predicted is -28°C (-18°F) which will feel like -36°C (-33°F).

I'm not going outside for anything but an emergency.
Supposed to get down to 18F tonight. The almost 3 inches we got last night is mostly melted.
20F, almost no wind so it feels like 23F. Light coating of snow. With no wind, it is sweater weather.
It's all of 2° F here on my mountain this morning. My son stopped by the pond down the road from our house and chopped a hole to measure the ice. It was more than 8",so I think we're gonna do a little ice fishing today. Hopefully some kids will come by to shovel so we can play hockey.

I fell through the ice on this pond two years ago when we were on a day hike, but thankfully it was only chest deep. You can't believe the terror that runs through your mind in that split second as you slip through the ice. When my feet touched bottom and I hadn't gone under, my son took a quick video as he giggled at his old, fat papa climbing out.

I feel warm now! lol Once again, my low was 13° overnight, and it's just up to 20°, but very windy again - we had a day off from that, but back again, and down to 0° wind chill earlier. Very sunny, so that's a plus; we've been overcast, though there's been no snow or rain since Izzy.

We had a rare snowfall last night - the weatherman says about 5 inches. That closes pretty much everything in this area. Everyone I know locally is posting pictures on Facebook lol

For the record, it's 31F right now, feels like 24F (although I haven't been outside lol). It sure is pretty, though.
It's all of 2° F here on my mountain this morning. My son stopped by the pond down the road from our house and chopped a hole to measure the ice. It was more than 8",so I think we're gonna do a little ice fishing today. Hopefully some kids will come by to shovel so we can play hockey.

I fell through the ice on this pond two years ago when we were on a day hike, but thankfully it was only chest deep. You can't believe the terror that runs through your mind in that split second as you slip through the ice. When my feet touched bottom and I hadn't gone under, my son took a quick video as he giggled at his old, fat papa climbing out.


Oh my goodness, I can imagine it's pretty terrifying to fall through the ice. Have you read up on what to do if you fall through? The best way to get out?

At least we can't see your face in that video.
It's -19°C (-2°F) and feels like -24°C (-11°F). The temperature started rising at noon and will just keep getting warmer until Sunday afternoon, about 16:00. We have a bit of snow in the forecast.

Oh, and smog warning. I guess a lot of people are using their wood stoves and fireplaces.
Oh my goodness, I can imagine it's pretty terrifying to fall through the ice. Have you read up on what to do if you fall through? The best way to get out?

At least we can't see your face in that video.

Lol, or hear me cursing my head off, taxy.

I had an axe in my hand just in case I fell through. I had planned on using it as a climbing axe to pull myself out onto my belly, but the ice was thin enough that I just ended up bashing a path to the shore and slogged my way out.

Thankfully, just before I went in I saw that the ice was getting thinner, so I told my son to stay 20 feet back.
As soon as I got out, my boy turned around and went back across the way we came. I had to hike around the pond to get to him, and by then he had already gotten a fire started so I vould warm up.

It was actually kind of a funny day, in hindsight.
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