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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Just had my phisical, blood sugar is high, not "diabetic" Thank G-d yet. But very close. Better start watching what I eat. :(
Just had my phisical, blood sugar is high, not "diabetic" Thank G-d yet. But very close. Better start watching what I eat. :(

Charlie diabetes can creep up on you and by the time the symptoms become noticeable, it is too late. You are a diabetic. Once a diabetic, always one. I am no longer on any medication for my diabetes, but that doesn't mean I am no longer a diabetic. It just means I am able to control it by diet alone.

Cheer up. You will find that the foods you are allowed to eat to keep your sugar levels low are really not that bad. It is mainly a matter of portion control. And a balanced diet. More proteins, less carbs. You will even find that you will lose a few pounds. Not a bad thing after all. Good luck. :angel:
Charlie diabetes can creep up on you and by the time the symptoms become noticeable, it is too late. You are a diabetic. Once a diabetic, always one. I am no longer on any medication for my diabetes, but that doesn't mean I am no longer a diabetic. It just means I am able to control it by diet alone.

Cheer up. You will find that the foods you are allowed to eat to keep your sugar levels low are really not that bad. It is mainly a matter of portion control. And a balanced diet. More proteins, less carbs. You will even find that you will lose a few pounds. Not a bad thing after all. Good luck. :angel:
Addie, are you telling me I eat more like a diabetic? I had my bloodwork done in May. My glucose was at the low end of normal. My dad was told the same thing, Charlie. Dietary changes followed and it is under control.
Just had my phisical, blood sugar is high, not "diabetic" Thank G-d yet. But very close. Better start watching what I eat. :(

High blood sugar could mean that you are Pre-diabetic. It means that you should change your eating habits so you won't become a diabetic. My Aunt was able to change the way she ate and was able to bring those levels down. She is NOT a diabetic! Good thing you found out about it now. Good luck with getting those levels back down.
High blood sugar could mean that you are Pre-diabetic. It means that you should change your eating habits so you won't become a diabetic. My Aunt was able to change the way she ate and was able to bring those levels down. She is NOT a diabetic! Good thing you found out about it now. Good luck with getting those levels back down.

That is exactly what doctor said. My diet is horrible, I love sweets, I love carbs. Cannot even think where to begin.
Addie, are you telling me I eat more like a diabetic? I had my bloodwork done in May. My glucose was at the low end of normal. My dad was told the same thing, Charlie. Dietary changes followed and it is under control.

Exactly. If everybody ate the diabetic diet, there would be no obesity or diabetes, Type 2. This is why it is so important for children to start eating right in childhood, not when they get a warning from their doctor later in life. Michelle Obama has the right idea in teaching children by letting them grow their own food. More veggies, less carbs or carbs with more protein in the same meal. Put those chips down and go for a pear or an apple instead. Start munching on celery. :angel:
That is exactly what doctor said. My diet is horrible, I love sweets, I love carbs. Cannot even think where to begin.

Charlie has anyone told you all the effects of Diabetes? First it attacks your eye sight. You find that you need your lens changed more often each year. Then it attacks your circulation system. Walking becomes painful. The calves of your legs cramp up and you have to stop and let the pain subside. Over the years you face amputation, first with your toes, then the foot, then further up the leg. While all that is going on, it is attacking your major organs. Kidneys, liver and yes your heart.

Want to see your kids grow into adulthood and give you grandchildren? Do you want your grandchildren to see you in a wheelchair with both legs missing?

Time to start eating a sensible diet. CWS has some excellent suggestions on eating a sensible diet. :angel:
Charlie has anyone told you all the effects of Diabetes? First it attacks your eye sight. You find that you need your lens changed more often each year. Then it attacks your circulation system. Walking becomes painful. The calves of your legs cramp up and you have to stop and let the pain subside. Over the years you face amputation, first with your toes, then the foot, then further up the leg. While all that is going on, it is attacking your major organs. Kidneys, liver and yes your heart.

Want to see your kids grow into adulthood and give you grandchildren? Do you want your grandchildren to see you in a wheelchair with both legs missing?

Time to start eating a sensible diet. CWS has some excellent suggestions on eating a sensible diet. :angel:
Thanks, Addie. How I eat is not for everyone, but I have found that by starting each day with my protein-greens-grains breakfast, I have lost all inclination to eat chips or sweets (which is too bad, because I do enjoy baking). Not sure what you eat, CharlieD, but maybe you could meet with a nutritionist/dietician so that you can still enjoy some of the foods you like, but made more diabetic friendly? There are many folks on this forum who have walked the same road and can most likely give you some great tips.
Exactly. If everybody ate the diabetic diet, there would be no obesity or diabetes, Type 2. This is why it is so important for children to start eating right in childhood, not when they get a warning from their doctor later in life. Michelle Obama has the right idea in teaching children by letting them grow their own food. More veggies, less carbs or carbs with more protein in the same meal. Put those chips down and go for a pear or an apple instead. Start munching on celery. :angel:

She might have a right idea but the execution is as everything else is backwards and messed up.
Charlie has anyone told you all the effects of Diabetes? First it attacks your eye sight. You find that you need your lens changed more often each year. Then it attacks your circulation system. Walking becomes painful. The calves of your legs cramp up and you have to stop and let the pain subside. Over the years you face amputation, first with your toes, then the foot, then further up the leg. While all that is going on, it is attacking your major organs. Kidneys, liver and yes your heart.

Want to see your kids grow into adulthood and give you grandchildren? Do you want your grandchildren to see you in a wheelchair with both legs missing?

Time to start eating a sensible diet. CWS has some excellent suggestions on eating a sensible diet. :angel:

I know, believe me I do. It just my schedule is so messed up and because of that I am so tired I do not know where to begin. I'd be happy to eat meat all day long, vegetables not as much. I never really at vegetables.. In soviet days they were only available in the summer Tim, winter we ate everything pickled. 9 month of winter versus only 3 month of summer. I am going to go for pickle before I'd go for a cucumber. I decided to start slow, I am going to stop eating sweets. And try to progress from there.
Thank you for helping.
So there is hope for you Charlie as you can control this by your diet alone ? Start looking into it , plus if you need to , bring your weight down too , it won't be easy but it will be worth it . Good luck and keep us posted x
She might have a right idea but the execution is as everything else is backwards and messed up.

Schools across the country are opting out of the Federal dollars and going back to a lunch program they know the kids will eat. A lot of kids are brown bagging or just going hungry. Hungry kids can't concentrate on what they are supposed to be learning. Multi grain breads and crust for a veggie pizza, 1% or skim milk, veggie burgers, are just some of the new foods in the schools now. This is not how kids are eating in the home. No more mac and cheese or if there is, the cheese is fat free and made with skim milk. To much of a drastic change all at once.

When I buy for the food bank, I get sugared cereal. I know. Bad choice. But it is the lesser of two evils. Cereal that I know the kids will eat or kids going hungry. If the family is using the food bank, more than likely, they are low on sugar and other staples or it is for mom and dad's coffee. I also buy a large jar of peanut butter, creamy and a large jar of jelly. I do not buy the sugar free. Kids don't like it. The kids get breakfast and a lunch that they "will" eat. Families that have to use the food bank to get to the end of the month are usually on the bottom of the financial spectrum. Their kids do not get a fresh salad with their evening meal. Fresh fruit is hardly ever seen in their household. And according to Marilyn, (she runs the food bank here in Eastie) each week they are seeing an increase in the number of families applying. :angel:
I know, believe me I do. It just my schedule is so messed up and because of that I am so tired I do not know where to begin. I'd be happy to eat meat all day long, vegetables not as much. I never really at vegetables.. In soviet days they were only available in the summer Tim, winter we ate everything pickled. 9 month of winter versus only 3 month of summer. I am going to go for pickle before I'd go for a cucumber. I decided to start slow, I am going to stop eating sweets. And try to progress from there.
Thank you for helping.

Keep us posted in how you are doing. SimonBaker is dong so well that I need another one to encourage and cheer on. :angel:
CharlieD, you may find that it is harder to cut out sweets than you think because of the sugar addiction. I've read that adding protein in the morning helps with those cravings. Some swear by adding pea protein powder to a smoothie in the morning eliminates cravings for sugar and carbs in the afternoon. The logic is that protein takes longer to digest so keeps your "hunger" switch off longer.

Swanson Premium Pea Protein - 100% Pure 16 oz (454 grams) Pwdr - Swanson Health Products
Do you drink much tea and/or coffee? Do you put sugar in it? Stirling cut back from 3 spoons of sugar per cup of tea or coffee to none and lost 20 lbs, with no other change in his diet. Just put a teensy bit less sugar. When that seems normal, put a little less. Keep doing that until tea/coffee tastes right with no sugar.
I know that sugar is hard habit to kick, but I will try. My weight is definitely a problem. I have gained at least 30 pounds in the last 3 years and I can fill the difference. Harder to move, harder to do pretty much everything.

I am on the crazy schedule. I get up at 5:30 – 6 AM. Morning Prayer, then get the kids up, make sure they eat, drive them to school, and then drive to work. 10 hour work day. By the time I get home it is 7:30 – 8 PM. By then I am whipped and do not want to do anything. I usually go to bed around 10 or 11. Friday I volunteer in the synagogue kitchen. Usually I cook for 50-70 people, make soup and a special stew, called cholent that stays on the stove overnight so there would be something hot to eat on Saturday day (Sabbath). Most of the time there are other people to help, but those two things are mine, unless there is nobody to help then I have to make everything. Ok, I do not do salads and my wife makes dessert. Sundays are also busy, because it is the only day I can cook something for the upcoming week. Kind of sad, if I look at that life this way, but we are happy.

CW, unfortunately the protein is not kosher, will have to look elsewhere. Thank you for being on my case. I will need all the hard time you can give me. ;) As I am not a very organized person I do much better under stress and duress.
You'd think they could get that pea protein certified kosher. I have ready to heat curries from India that are labelled vegetarian and have kosher and halal certification.
Something that no one mentioned...this requires delicate wording. Diabetes can and does affect another part of the male anatomy. It is the part that seems most dear to men and is pretty important to their wives as well. If it doesn't work life gets a lot less fun. 'Nuff said?
Something that no one mentioned...this requires delicate wording. Diabetes can and does affect another part of the male anatomy. It is the part that seems most dear to men and is pretty important to their wives as well. If it doesn't work life gets a lot less fun. 'Nuff said?

It's that circulation thing.

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