Bolt Red Buffalo Wing Brats

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Ingredients minus the casing. Used Owens Buffalo Wing Brat seasoning and instead of using water I used some Bolt Hollenbeck Red Ale from a local microbrewery sort of close to my house to 10 lbs of pork shoulder I ground myself which is on sale for .79/lb. I see carnitas in my future too but that is another post.

Everything in a tub and mixed well

Fried up a tester patty to check for seasoning before putting them in the casings, needed just a touch more.

Had one small blowout but almost a full continuous ring

I'm getting better and getting the links to a more uniform size, I used the casing horn as a guide to get them to the same length. Not perfect but better than previous attempts.
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