Son #1 usually does my shopping in that half of the store. I am going to have to educate him on how to shop for Vidalias. To him, an onion is an onion.
Is this where we blame parenting?
Son #1 usually does my shopping in that half of the store. I am going to have to educate him on how to shop for Vidalias. To him, an onion is an onion.
Is this where we blame parenting?
Gallon size 11x14 bags. Fits Tilia FoodSaver vacuum sealer Tilia FoodSaver Bags & Rolls - Vacuum Sealer Accessories - By Univen #baggal - 744539010757 at Goodman's Small Appliances Housewares and Parts
This is the cheapest I have found so far. Hunting supply places carry them, but you have to buy large quantities. No less than 100 at a time. And they are more costly.
Do you have any estimate of what the packaging cost adds to the cost per pound of the items being packaged. Twenty five cents?It has taken me some time to get to it, but I finally ordered some rolls from them.
6 pack of 8" and a 6 pack of 11". That should hold me for a while.
Do you have any estimate of what the packaging cost adds to the cost per pound of the items being packaged. Twenty five cents?
To avoid juices from being sucked out of meats, we wrap the meats in Saran wrap and freeze for about 6 hours before vacuum packing and break the vacuum just before thawing the meat.
We try to wash and reuse bags but it's somewhat problematic because the vacuuming and or the freezing seems to distort the bags and at least one inch of the bag / sleeve is lost during each sealing process.
Foodsaver gallon bags run about 40 cents apiece but seem to be prone to leaks.
I love my Food Saver. No question, I find the vac packed stuff lasts much longer and tastes much fresher than wrapping stuff the usual way. I like to cut my own bags too, and discard the ones that housed meat.