Healthier to eat no meat at all?

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Apr 12, 2019
Hi, I think if I remember right, I heard on the internet some years ago or more that it was healthier to eat no meat in your food. I know beans and nuts provide protein or a lot of protein so meat isn't really necessary to have protein in your body.
In the society that I grew up in and most of my friends, meat is an important source of protein. I think that to be a vegetarian one almost has to take an in-depth course to understand where from, how much, which kind, etc. one's body needs in protein.

Animal protein is still good for you, but as in all things in life, moderation is the key answer.

I believe one of the Scandinavian countries (don't remember which) it is actually against the law to have infants on vegetarian diets. This came about unfortunately due to the tragic death of 2 children from mal-nutrition who's parents were vegetarian - and who did not understand the in-depth differences of types of protein necessary to the human body. I have not gone on to investigate as to the end results of this incident and I am not being a scare monger, just saying to please be aware of consequences of something that is not part of your natural upbringing.
It seems to me that there is enough evidence to prove that it doesn’t make much difference either way.

My main concern with the consumption of meat, fish, and poultry is the safety of the mass produced meat supply found in the average supermarket.

I still eat small quantities, compared to what I ate when I was younger, but it is mainly due to the high price vs the limited value or WOW factor that it provides in my diet.
Yes, you can get protein from nuts and beans, but it's incomplete protein, which means they don't have all the amino acids in one food, like animal protein does; and they don't contain vitamin B12, an essential nutrient. You have to combine beans with rice to get complete protein and there are a couple other things that I can't remember right now.

It's not just about protein,, too, although animal protein is easy for the body to digest and draw nutrients from. Meat is also an excellent source of iron and B vitamins, as well as potassium. If people prefer not to eat meat, eggs and dairy products also provide high quality protein and vitamin B12.
Wow so much false information here. I'm not angry with the false information or the people that have given it. I just believe that they didn't know, and it was a mistake, probably fed to them by the media and lack of information. Information is easily and freely available on the internet.

There is so much overwhelming scientific evidence on nutrition and meat in particular, you must look for it and read it. (go to and search for what you want to know about) Read The China Study for starters. If a person isn't interested in knowing, then please don't spread information that is not true. Not everyone feels that way.

For 20 years, scientific proof of cigarette smoking being bad for health was published and ignored by the public and fought by the tobacco industry. Now we see the same thing with vegan and vegetarian nutrition, 20,000 studies and fighting the meat and dairy industry, in the media.

There are not incomplete proteins in plant food and there is no need for protein combining, that theory was dis-proven more than 20 years ago. B12 is important to add to a vegan or vegetarian diet.

The Swedish couple jailed for starving a child, had drug and alcohol problems. Please don't blame the vegan diet for what happened to the child. Some parents shouldn't have children.

And to the original question. Yes it is healthier to eat a meat free diet. A lot can be learned in the links in my signature.
I think that it might be healthier for some people not to eat meat and for other people to eat meat. I think a person's ancestry plays a role in that.
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This is a video that talks about plant based foods, in relation to paleo (meat) and other current diets, in general. 20 minutes long.
What Is The Proof That Plant-Based Diets Are Healthier For You Than Paleo, Keto, Atkins, And Low Carb Diets?
Research techniques change of the years. Look at the poor egg's history.
One moment great, next moment shunned, then all of a sudden great again.
Dragnlaw, often the media puts a spin on things, and if you want to know about a study, look at who is funding it, and the methods used. Ask the question, what are they comparing eggs to in the study.
Wow so much false information here. I'm not angry with the false information or the people that have given it. I just believe that they didn't know, and it was a mistake, probably fed to them by the media and lack of information. Information is easily and freely available on the internet.

If a person isn't interested in knowing, then please don't spread information that is not true. Not everyone feels that way.
How a person "feels" is not relevant to the truth of scientific information.

There are not incomplete proteins in plant food and there is no need for protein combining, that theory was dis-proven more than 20 years ago.
Please provide proof of this claim, because it contradicts current information from dozens of sources I found, and facts like this don't change with further research - the amino acids are either present in food or they're not. Here's one example from Tufts University's center for nutrition research written in 2018 -
What is Protein? Proteins are found in the cells and tissues of all living things. They are chains of amino acids, molecules that are involved in a variety of biological functions. There are 20 amino acids, nine of which cannot be synthesized in the human body and must be acquired through diet. These are known as essential amino acids. Animal sources of protein (and a select few plant proteins including soy and quinoa) are considered “complete” in that they contain adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids the human body needs. Most plant foods are considered “incomplete” proteins, because they typically have low levels of, or are missing, one or more of the essential amino acids. For example, grains are low in the amino acid lysine, but have adequate methionine. Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and peanuts), on the other hand, contain adequate lysine, but are low in methionine. Thus, a dietary pattern that includes both whole grains and legumes will provide a sufficient amount of all essential amino acids. Although it was once thought that complementary foods like these needed to be consumed at the same time, it is now understood that eating a variety of plant foods throughout the day can provide all the amino acids the body needs.
It seems like you confused two different ideas - whether plant foods contain complete proteins, and whether the complementary foods have to be eaten together to provide complete protein.
And to the original question. Yes it is healthier to eat a meat free diet. A lot can be learned in the links in my signature.
That website is not very reliable. The author's agenda is to convince people to eat only plants, not to simply provide information and let people decide for themselves.
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discuscookingnewbie - so what does your own research tell you about whether or not it is healthier to eat no meat at all. Do you believe this?
Tell us more about what you mean by healthy. That's a loded word that means different things to different people.
My entire adult life I have been listening to people tell me what I should and should not eat. Then, later the positions are reversed and that evil stuff is now OK, but don't eat that other stuff. This source is reliable/that source is a fraud, no it isn't/yes it is.

I stopped listening many years ago.

You all go do what you want. I just don't care!

I cook and eat what tastes good to me.
In my opinion it is very reliable. It's awesome and full of good information based on medical and scientific research. In your opinion it is not reliable.
there are no studies in this page (or they are very well hidden) und if the first thing I read on a page is "Donate" that is a true sign for being trash.
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