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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Note to self, when trying to break off the stem of a spaghetti squash, dont use the blade of your favorite knife.

I file this one under " What were you thinking, jackass!! "


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If you have access to a good knife sharpener guy, he can grind that out for you. Don't ask me how I know.
Oooooooooo!! Sorry to see that. For future use, you might want to get a cheap, one piece cleaver - something I keep around for chopping through butternuts and the like, as well as cutting brownies, and other things in pans. The metal doesn't even hold a great edge, but that's not what I keep it for.
Wow, that's a deep one. I've chipped one like that, IIRC is was on a bone in some meat. I feel your pain.

Wow, like everyone else I'd really hate for that to happen to my favorite knife, but I have what might be a stupid question. How much will that damage affect the actual function of the knife? Just wondering.
Wow, like everyone else I'd really hate for that to happen to my favorite knife, but I have what might be a stupid question. How much will that damage affect the actual function of the knife? Just wondering.

I think its more Psychological than physical, andin a strange way, there is an occasional benefit.

When I slice a tomato, that little notch actually cuts the skin making it easier for the blade to slice right through with out any squishing going on.
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