Last thing that made you smile?

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I know how hard it is for you, my mom had dementiashe knew us but would repeat the same question over and over, she would forget I had called her to be ready at 5 to go to dinner, i had to call her at 4 then again at 4:15 and keep it up til i couldget her to come over and off we would go..I can't tell you how much that hurt..My mom was one of those people everybody like and enjoyed. My dh had told me that of all our parents if he had to live withone and care for them he would wish it were mom..You could tease her, get her to ride a horse and they scaed her to pieces, if as kids the teacher asked for cupcakes boy did they get cupcakes..So seeing her this way..boy oh boy..Then watching her stop eating or even taking a sip of her beloved coffee because a nurse heard her cough and they decided to thicken everything even water..I can still remember how sad she was in the hospital and missed her dog molly if you mentioned home whe would smile and light up. Even today I could kick myself for not telling all those doctors who took turns testing her and each one telling me something different to bug off i was taking her home..I was a fool and my mom went into that awful hospital, and 4 days later my sweet little mom was gone.
so enjoy each and every minute, give hugs and kisses, even bring pictures and later you will be glad you did

I will keep her home here with me as long as possible (which as far as I'm concerned is to the very end). My DH's mother passed away from Alzheimer's recently on Nov. 3, 2008 and she was in the hospital. The last time I saw her she looked so terrible and I vowed from that day on that I would do everything in my power to keep her home with me. The only reason my MIL was in an assisted living facility was because she would get very violent and we didn't want my son subjected to that from his favorite MeMa.
I already miss the mom I use to know, but I've stopped getting angry at her about her actions. Now I just get angry at the disease and make it a point to never let her see me get angry. I write a lot of notes. You would not believe the notes I have taped all over the house for her. If it works we do it.
I also keep a journal and write in it quite often about my days with her and her symptoms. When I'm having a really hard time I even made an appointment or two with her doctor and go in and talk to her about mom while mom stays home with my husband.
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Apparently around 11:30 to midnight is when Sally gets her second wind. The last several evenings she's turned into a playing kitty "rocket." Tonight she resurrected several balls and has been "playing herself" all over the family room. She's practically a blur and I'm almost laughing out loud at her antics.
Apparently around 11:30 to midnight is when Sally gets her second wind. The last several evenings she's turned into a playing kitty "rocket." Tonight she resurrected several balls and has been "playing herself" all over the family room. She's practically a blur and I'm almost laughing out loud at her antics.
aren't they special. I love watching our outside kittys play..One will rub my legs and stand up holding on to my jeans and meowing looking up at me as the other runs all over the place slapping a kitty treat back and forth...They do some of the darndest things and the poor dog is in the back gound having a fit:ROFLMAO: Glad you have some babies to keep you company..Trying to do an exchange right now and finish up a tortalini salad for tomorrow..Have to run to the store and get some pesto it never stops so I keep on running
My best friend phoning me up to say that her two sons, 13 and 11, who I have known all their lives, told her that since they have no sports tomorrow they want to come over and help work on our house to get it ready for my Dad moving in! Gotta love those guys!
born Monday March 2 at 4:15 am:)


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all they need are ribbons on both adorable.........and as far as cats chasing each other......Zoe who is a "young-un" just loves to wart the you know what out of Sushie who is old and crotchetie.....I honestly think that's why Sushie is still around 'cause Zoe pumps up her blood for 85 year old grandmother was in a nursing home and my chatty Cathy sister was just babbling away about nothing just to keep the conversation going to a nonresponsive old woman.....finally my grandmother cocks her head to one side and comments to her "You talk too much, Brenda".........Brenda nearly fell out of her chair.......her hubby had to be picked off the floor he was laughing so hard..........cause she does babble........:):)
We saw the surgeon today and while the prognosis for my knee was neither good nor bad, I had to smile at his comment. I said "so there's nothing you can do for me at the moment" and he replied "I can hold your hand and feel your pain with you". That helped a lot. He also said that he really felt bad that this wasn't going as planned. And I told him I have no regrets and would have him do it again in a heartbeat because my pain now is really nothing compared to before the surgery.

Then DH added to my smiles by buying me a beautiful new cane with sparkly butterflies on it (yes, there is some purple on it, of course!) and a plain vanilla sundae from McDonald's, even though I gave up sweets for lent!

Before anyone feels bad about my leg, the good news is there is no infection, no further internal scarring showing up and my range is actually getting better. As for the increased pain, swelling and problems sleeping, he believes that this will mend itself in time. While it is frustrating that there isn't a quick cure, I am happy that I can return to my work, my pool workouts and normal life without any chance of making it worse. All fears of blood clots and infection are over.

Yes, I still have to use a cane.....but now I am walking in style!
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Was TV surfing a little while ago because there wasn't anything on my local channels or any of the other dish channels that I cared to watch when I happened on an Illinois PBS station airing a special on "The Police." I have the speakers cranked up and I'm tappin' and smilin' my tail off. I have a full hour to enjoy!
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Was TV surfing a little while ago because there wasn't anything on my local channels or any of the other dish channels that I cared to watch when I happened on an Illinois PBS station airing a special on "The Police." I have the speakers cranked up and I'm tappin' and smilin' my tail off. I have a full hour to enjoy!
Heck you better shake those tail feathers girl:LOL:
Wow Beth, papa is a beauty..Thanks for letting us share...We live on 8-1/2 acres and it's for pasture, how i wish we had cattle or goats or something..Even had we planted trees..But we had the pharmacy to run so farming was out. Now we run daughter in laws horses and sons cattle...But I still wish:(

My dog Joie "begging" for the empty toilet paper roll because he heard me change it from the other end of the house!
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