I know this is a "cookware" forum and glassware isn't exactly cookware, but I did not really see another forum that would be more appropriate, so here goes.
I have been searching around for some Belgian-style beer glasses (to serve Stella Artois in - I know I can buy their own glasses at Target, but I do not want the logo) and I finally found the absolute perfect ones, but I cannot find out where to buy them. It sounds strange, but here's how it goes: I found a company that makes Bormioli Rocco glasses, and on their webpage is a photo of some beer glasses - the exact ones I want. Problem is, they don't sell or manufacture the ones in the picture. And I've contacted the company and they seem clueless on what the glasses in the picture are. Bizarre that they have a picture of glasses on their website that they have no idea where to find them. Anyways, I know this is a huge shot in the dark, but I want these glasses so bad... if anyone can possibly find the origins of these glasses or recognize them, I would appreciate it tremendously. Here is the photo and a link to the page (the glasses I want are the ones in the photo where there are three lined up - they look like goblets but the distinguishing factor is the little bubble in the stem):
Thank you so much!
I know this is a "cookware" forum and glassware isn't exactly cookware, but I did not really see another forum that would be more appropriate, so here goes.
I have been searching around for some Belgian-style beer glasses (to serve Stella Artois in - I know I can buy their own glasses at Target, but I do not want the logo) and I finally found the absolute perfect ones, but I cannot find out where to buy them. It sounds strange, but here's how it goes: I found a company that makes Bormioli Rocco glasses, and on their webpage is a photo of some beer glasses - the exact ones I want. Problem is, they don't sell or manufacture the ones in the picture. And I've contacted the company and they seem clueless on what the glasses in the picture are. Bizarre that they have a picture of glasses on their website that they have no idea where to find them. Anyways, I know this is a huge shot in the dark, but I want these glasses so bad... if anyone can possibly find the origins of these glasses or recognize them, I would appreciate it tremendously. Here is the photo and a link to the page (the glasses I want are the ones in the photo where there are three lined up - they look like goblets but the distinguishing factor is the little bubble in the stem):

Thank you so much!