Seasonings to pair with rosemary?

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I often use rosemary sprigs in soups and other liquids, but what I do, since it tends to release most of the needles, I cut the sprigs smaller, then put it all in a tea ball, to seal it in there, so the needles aren't through the broth. I do this with other things, like cloves, whole peppercorns, and similar things, so they can all be removed easily.
I often use rosemary sprigs in soups and other liquids, but what I do, since it tends to release most of the needles, I cut the sprigs smaller, then put it all in a tea ball, to seal it in there, so the needles aren't through the broth. I do this with other things, like cloves, whole peppercorns, and similar things, so they can all be removed easily.
I imagine a tied up cheesecloth ball would work well. I like your idea of the tea ball though, no waste.
On the contrary, I've already considered every flavoring agent I own. Like most Americans, I'm already putting garlic and onion in every recipe. Everything else you mentioned, I either don't like in general, or don't like on chicken. It's a moot point, though, because I'm not trying to make kitchen sink chicken, in other words chicken with everything thrown on it but the kitchen sink, I'm trying to make chicken with rosemary blended with other seasonings.

Every cell in my body recoils from the smell of rosemary; basil was the same way for me until recently. I also can't stand the smell of coffee, so go figure.

I imagine a tied up cheesecloth ball would work well. I like your idea of the tea ball though, no waste.
That's exactly why I prefer the tea ball.
On the contrary, I've already considered every flavoring agent I own. Like most Americans, I'm already putting garlic and onion in every recipe. Everything else you mentioned, I either don't like in general, or don't like on chicken. It's a moot point, though, because I'm not trying to make kitchen sink chicken, in other words chicken with everything thrown on it but the kitchen sink, I'm trying to make chicken with rosemary blended with other seasonings.

Every cell in my body recoils from the smell of rosemary; basil was the same way for me until recently. I also can't stand the smell of coffee, so go figure.
Then maybe you shouldn't ingest them. Maybe try very small quantities every now and again. If you find the aroma or taste of something off putting, then perhaps your body is telling you that this is something you shouldn't ingest.
I've never been one for adding lots of seasonings to meat dishes except for chicken, because in my experience, the more you add, the tastier it will be. Being a white meat, not as tasty as red meats, it seems to "call out" for lots of mixed herbs/spices to be added. I sometimes cheat and buy ready-mix of different seasonings for chicken! I don't even read what's in it! 😏A dash of white wine helps too. Of course I add a small sprig of fresh rosemary.

All in all, in the end you have a lovely, delicious taste. You can't distinguish each and every single seasoning, it's just a perfect blend of different tastes, an overall delight! 😀
Rosemary is great with beef. And that reminds me of this. I'd use about a six-inch length of rosemary as a "sprig." :

I wasn't suggesting you use them all at once. I was giving you options.

That's too bad because aroma is a huge part of how we perceive flavor. If you can't stand the smell of rosemary, I'm not sure how you're going to find a way to cook with it that you will enjoy.
Thanks for the beef recipe! Beef is a stronger flavor than chicken, so it might work better with rosemary… but we don't have beef very often, so in the meantime, chicken it shall be.

I wouldn't want to sit and listen to someone play the tuba. Would you? However, I'm perfectly happy to listen to an orchestra that contains a tuba playing. Same thing with rosemary, or other seasonings that I don't care for individually; they can be perfectly good in a group.
I use 3 parts herb/spice to 2 parts salt and 1/2 part pepper.

Example: 1 teaspoon each of chopped fresh rosemary (1/2 tsp dried because drying makes woody herbs stronger), chives and garlic (or paprika, dried mustard or Dijon-style mustard), 2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp ground black pepper. Combine in a small bowl and add 1-2 tbsp olive oil. Brush or rub on the chicken, getting some under the skin, and bake.
That is VERY useful, thank you!
And what did you come up with?
I decided that those things would just be diluting the rosemary, rather than enhancing it or creating, if I dare use the word, synergy with it, so I rejected them. I'm trying to figure out seasonings, not pile a bunch of stuff on a piece of chicken.
Jennyema is a professional chef. Even if she hasn't, an experienced cook knows which ingredients pair well.
As you might have guessed from my member name, I'm neither a chef nor an experienced cook, lol! I'm guessing that such a person wouldn't JUST put two seasonings on a piece of chicken with nothing else… but I wouldn't know what those other things would be, much less how to combine them in the correct amounts to create something good. Which is why I ask questions. :)
If you are sensitive to rosemary, why use it? Why not find another recipe that doesn't have it?

Does tarragon pair well with rosemary? I have never used the two together. But I don't really care for rosemary. Too woody and reminds me of pine needles in both texture and flavor. I love tarragon, though.
I'm determined to use rosemary because a friend gave me some from a bush in her yard, and it would hurt her feelings if I didn't use it. Also, my husband likes rosemary, and he is eagerly looking forward to finally having a recipe with some rosemary in it.
Why don't you just be honest with your friend and tell her that you don't care for rosemary? There is no reason to make yourself suffer. Rosemary is strong-flavored. I personally don't like it. At all. And I would not have a problem telling someone kindly, "Oh how wonderful of you to share. I am so sorry, but I am sensitive to rosemary and can't use it. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful though!"
This lady thought she was doing something really wonderful for me by providing me with a fresh herb for free, and it IS a very nice thing for her to have done. It made her so happy! It would never occur to me to do or say anything that would take that happiness away from her, and I'm not going to lie to her either, and say that I used it if I didn't… So: she gave me rosemary, and I'm going to find a way to use it.
interesting question . . . .
what to add to rosemary to make it disappear . . .

a simple stupid answer:
I am in no way shape or form trying to make the rosemary disappear, I want to blend it with other seasonings so I'm not being hit over the head by having just one seasoning, that I don't care for. As you've probably read by now, the rosemary was a GIFT, and when someone gives me a gift, I demonstrate my gratitude for that gift by using whatever it is. If someone gives me the ugliest shirt in the world, the next time they see me I will be wearing that shirt with a big smile on my face. That's just who I am.
I often use rosemary the way one would use bay leaf. I put whole sprigs in braising liquids for slow cooks, and remove the sprigs after the cook. It does a great job of adding flavor, without chomping down on rosemary, which can be rather tough. I do the same with thyme. I like to take fresh sprigs of both, tie them in a bundle, and braise with them. The bundle is very easy to remove at the end of the long cook. Some thyme leaves fall off, but the stems are removed with the bundle.

That's a very helpful idea for future use, because I'm not a fan of the rosemary texture either. Thank you!
I'm wondering why you are going to all of this effort to use rosemary if you hate it so much. Are you just trying to please your friend who gave you some? If one of my friends offered me cilantro from their garden, I would just be honest and say, "Thanks for the kind offer, but I don't like cilantro."

As for "everything but the sink" chicken, to each his own. I like the complex flavors of coq au vin (blanc), and also like basic chicken thighs cooked on the grill with nothing but salt and pepper. Variety is the spice of life (William Cowper--1785).

Yes, I'm going to use the rosemary to please my friend. She is a good friend, and if I can do some thing that will please her, of course I'm going to do it, especially in this case when she was kind enough to give me a GIFT. If someone gave you an ugly shirt, would you refuse to accept the shirt and say that it's too ugly for you to wear? I wouldn't!

William Cowper is correct… and thus, I continue to try different ingredients, whether I like them or not.
I was wondering the same thing, then I thought about epazote! That is a very strong smelling herb, that is used a lot in Mexican cooking for its alleged antiflatulence effects, in bean dishes. The aroma most people do not like (sort of like kerosene mixed in with something), but the owner of the Mexican market, that I give my excess trimmings to, loves the aroma of that stuff, like I do rosemary and those other herbs. I have found many recipes with the epazote, that it is an essential flavor in. Curry leaves are another herb, with a "strange" flavor, but delicious in the final dishes. If I didn't like the results in the final dishes, I wouldn't use them, simple as that.

As for that oily residue on the rosemary, that's normal, as with any kind of evergreen, with needles like that. That's where the flavor is - the newer growth, with less of the oiliness, won't be as strong as that darker, more oily growth. That's the stuff I get on my hands on purpose, for the aroma!
The same friend that gave me the rosemary also previously gave me epazote! I was questioning her about the oregano in Mexican recipes, which didn't make sense, so we ended up looking it up and discovering that oregano is used to substitute for epazote in those areas where epazote is not available in stores. Gourmet cook that she is, she bought some, generously shared it with me, and we both agreed that it made the recipes taste more like restaurant food. Epazote definitely has a strong kerosene type odor, but if you add it to a recipe correctly, you get great results!
I often use rosemary sprigs in soups and other liquids, but what I do, since it tends to release most of the needles, I cut the sprigs smaller, then put it all in a tea ball, to seal it in there, so the needles aren't through the broth. I do this with other things, like cloves, whole peppercorns, and similar things, so they can all be removed easily.
That's a really smart idea, thank you!
Then maybe you shouldn't ingest them. Maybe try very small quantities every now and again. If you find the aroma or taste of something off putting, then perhaps your body is telling you that this is something you shouldn't ingest.
That's a perfectly reasonable option! The option I've chosen instead, which I think is also reasonable, is to keep trying new things, in different combinations, with the eventual goal being to hopefully be able to consume the full spectrum of seasonings, like most people can. It's working really well so far; 30 years ago, I couldn't stand anything besides salt and garlic!
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