Thanks Button?

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Don't go. We need your smiling face around here.

Hi Andy!

I know I have been AWOL! I will try to do better! (I haven't stopped cooking though.) :)

I actually logged on because I had a cooking question, but I saw this thread and now I have forgotten what my question was! Doh! (Old age and the fact that it is very late here.) It will come back to me though.

(That said, I'm off to bed now).
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That super long quote has crashed my phone 3 times! I cannot go back to that page without it crashing, so I'm not sure how many posts were after it, I had just read the 1st one after it when it crashed
:(. Guess I Missed Katy's return.
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...I know I have been AWOL! I will try to do better! (I haven't stopped cooking though.) :)...
Hey, there you are Katy! Glad to see you're still among the living. I thought maybe the weather over the pond had finally gotten to you. Either that, or maybe you ran away with Harry? :LOL: He's been AWOL lately too.
However, that said, a very simple "Thanks" button that you could click at the end of a useful recipe or bit of cooking advice - that let the poster know that what they had posted was useful, but that doesn't involve "points" and doesn't clog up peoples' PMs, and doesn't "quote", doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world.
Which is essentially the system we have now. PM notification for thanks can be turned on or off per user so you have the option of getting them if you like them or not getting them if you don't. It does not currently quote anything at all. There is no real point system (it tallys how many thanks you get so if you call that a point system then disregard this point), but it is private and only the person getting the thanks sees that number.
Well I won't speak for others, but I'll clarify what I meant with my post since things seem to have wandered a bit.

I'd prefer a button that is a one click deal, not a three click or more deal for a simple acknowledgement of a post. If I'm going to take the time to respond with more than a simple click, I can just as easily write a PM.

I think public acknowledgement is nice, but if it gets folks all bent and thinking there is some kind of competition, then fuggedaboudit.

Like button = one click (on other fora)
Thanks button = three minimum

My vote - one click.
It is under User CP.

Got it. I did not scroll to the bottom of the page and thats why I never saw it.

To anyone and everyone who sent a thanks, thanks.
I did not see the thanks you sent until this very minute.

I still like the idea of a one click thanks button.
Hahahahaha!! I "like" that many of you have the same lazy in your bones as I do. "Thanks" for the posts. :rolleyes:
So no thanks/like button for DC?

Since this has been discussed, I have wanted to hit a thanks/like button here so many times.
The staff could arrange it so there are no points involved.
Personally I can see no reason not to have this feature?
As already pointed out, the thanks button is already there RB. And it isn't really a point system not. It is a running total of how many thanks you have got just as you can see how many posts you have (which is not a point system).
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